Logaris Syntavi GuestdesignAdoptMii on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/adoptmii/art/Logaris-Syntavi-Guestdesign-737784457AdoptMii

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Logaris Syntavi Guestdesign



== OTA with PTA-Option ==

I've got a not so scary Syntavi for you :3 You can get her via OTA (Offer to Adopt) or Autobuy her!

Syntavi are a subspecies from the closed Species Logaris, which belongs to :icontriseina: and :iconrina-tenshi:
Please join the group :3 Don't you worry, you can also speak English in there!

Deadline: 2 weeks after the first offer (or autobuy)

What can you offer?
- Artist supplies
- Germangas/Gerdoujinshis
- Drawings from my OCs
- Coupons
- Whatever else you can think of :3

Autobuy: 25€
Paying via PayPal (oder Überweisung, wenn aus Deutschland)

Whoever gets her, will get the fullresolution on sta.sh!
* Design can be modified a bit
* Please credit me at least the first time you draw her / let her be drawn <3
* Design can be gifted/sold/traded to another person, but please tell me, so that there won't be any confusion!
* Please don't re-sell it above the price you bought it :c

Base by :iconlavellearts:
Image size
963x1532px 616.17 KB
© 2018 - 2025 AdoptMii
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