Offer to Adopt (Closed)adopt-detective on DeviantArt

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adopt-detective's avatar

Offer to Adopt (Closed)



It's been a while since I put an adopt up for offers so I made this guy! Tried out a couple new things including a new chibi so I hope you all like him! 

You can offer absolutely anything for him, though in order I'd like most: money, points, art (humanoid art only), customs (same humanoid only), and pre-made characters. A mix of these things is perfectly alright too! AB Added of $5.00/500 Points, I'll probably be deciding on the offer soon!

You will get a separate file for the bustshot (a bigger picture than here) and chibi when you win! The usual rules apply, resell for the price you bought for unless there's extra art, trading and gifting allowed, and you can change up the design whether it be the appearance or the gender, whatever you want. If you do anything with the character at all, be it art or writing I'd love to see it!
Feel free to credit me on TH as "detectivekit" if you post it up there!

Owner: DragonGamer0713
Image size
1116x898px 753.09 KB
© 2019 - 2025 adopt-detective
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