{Open} AIOModel Axel Edwardian Florist AdoptAdonisIOArt on DeviantArt

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AdonisIOArt's avatar

{Open} AIOModel Axel Edwardian Florist Adopt



If you're new to the world of adoptables, buying this Adoptable will allow you to be the ONLY ONE EVER who has access to this photograph. Upon adopting Axel in his Edwardian florist outfit, you will get a high resolution upscaled image without the watermark. You can win the adoption by either paying full price up front or starting the bidding process. 

The final image size is: 8192 x 12288 px.

After adopting, your name will forever appear on this Deviation letting people know that this version of Axel is all yours.

With the high resolution image, you can do whatever you want: print it out, put it on a phone cover, get art prints of it, and sell prints of it OFFLINE. The only limitation is that I prefer you don't sell the print online.

Once you adopt, you owe me nothing. You don't have to give me credit (unless you'd like to) anywhere you use this.

Let me know if you have any questions
Image size
2048x3072px 3.68 MB
Created using AI tools
© 2023 - 2025 AdonisIOArt
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Submissivegayfrench's avatar

i love his costume, and he have such a chiseled face 😃