Current residence: Midgard
Favourite genre of music: Electronic, Dubstep
Favourite style of art: Gothic, Baroque, Grotesque
Operating system: Windows 2380 The Next Generation
Personal quotes:
Life Is Rarely Fair ~ Data
You Will Never Be A God ~ Loki
I'm on Tumblr, where I post new work every time:
Facebook ART page, which gets updated as available:…
I'm also on Twitter, where new work will be posted when available & I discuss Loki related matters, like his own TV Series, & toys:
Repin my work from here & do not replicate anywhere else:…
Disclaimer, all my artwork is created without infringement intended to the original copyright holders it may be based on, referenced or derived from. I'm the sole creator & owner of what is posted here, Admiral DeMoy, or DeMoy only. No altering/use/reproduction or profit-making of my original digital artwork allowed in any form without permission. No manips may be altered/used in any form anywhere without permission, reproduced or made profit from. If posting anywhere, AS IS ONLY with link to original DA post.
If you think you can just use my work for your own purposes or profit no matter how or where like so many over the years, expect a DMCA takedown notice no matter where. I will not give any warnings following too many delusional excuses over the years, abusive & same old BS justifications, especially coming from Tumblr & FB fan pages. I ALONE decide what may be done with any of my work, or how/that it should be credit/linked & properly tagged/represented.
All my manips are done in Corel PaintShop Pro X4/5, (some older ones in PhotoStudio) all my original work in Corel Painter 11/12 (some older ones in PhotoStudio). It is not photoshopped or made with effects/filters, as typically found in Adobe CS that can convert any image into certain art styles within mere minutes. So called 'oil paintings' e.g., or, photos edited with app filters to look like Expressionist Art e.g., & now, newly arising, wholly computer generated AI art, which can look quite impressive. But, tbh, to me it all feels quite soulless, often looks too plasticy & skin has zero texture. It's all fake & I wholeheartedly hate it.
No one can compete with a 'perfect' computer program creating 'perfect art', & the result is that it becomes even more difficult now to defend your own work that took many hrs/days to create, not seconds with a few clicks, & hardly gets any attention. Some fan artists in fact were bullied so badly since Marvel became big & Loki a massive fan fave now over a decade ago, that they had to close down their DAs & blogs or disable comments for all the mindless hate they received. I'm pretty much the only one of all the original Loki fan artists left now, with others joining in after the height of Loki's fame post-TDW, all but gone too now, with only very few left who don't exclusively paint Loki or Tom's characters.
Everyone who respects me & my work & gives due credit, thank you. And no, 'credit to artist', or 'credit on image', I still keep seeing, won't do w/o proper naming & source-linking for others to find the original art/ists. On Tumblr it is in fact against rules not to name/link the source. No one bothers to re/search a name on works that sometimes isn't even legible enough to make out & therefore find. It's a lazy cop-out & not everyone knows how to do reverse image search to find it regardless, or heard of the artist, especially when coming into a fandom late/r.
Final note, as of November 2015 I closed my account with Redbubble after they pulled not only all Marvel-based characters featured on their site, but non-MCU Loki work of mine, stating it was Disney property, like the two white-haired Lokis based on Legolas & Thranduil e.g., when they are certainly not Marvel/Disney owned in any form. As of Summer 2021 I'm no longer selling my art on S6 either, after they too did exactly the same, despite the fact that most of my work there was not Loki related at all either, but other Tom characters. Therefore, anyone who ever bought ANY art of mine, owns now a rarity, especially the calendars.
Keep on fancying. 😎
Had a great day, thank you! 😎
I have one thing to say about me looking at your gallery,
Love you 3000. 😊
Thanks for always giving us fans LOL (Lots Of Loki, of course !). I hope not only female admirers are ok...😶? Anyway, fantastic art of a dreamy guy. There, I SAID it.
Thank you, & for the fave! And yes, he is a dreamy guy, & there are in fact not only female admirers of mine - or Loki.