Adam the Glowing Musculoskeletal Ghoul AdamuPereSU on DeviantArt

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Adam the Glowing Musculoskeletal Ghoul



Whenever Halloween season comes around, the costume Adam likes to dress up in is his glowing skeleton suit. Whether he's in his blue moon form or not, he loves to wear it but not all the time since he has to wash it to keep it clean from germs and bad odor while he wears his autumn clothes to keep himself cool from the sun while feeling the autumn breeze. When he puts on the skeleton suit, he feels like a walking skeleton wanting to glow with delight whenever he goes out trick or treating in the dark, eerie night with his friends, well that and he knows the glowing effect of the suit with help him be seen by his friends so he won't get lost. Of course he doesn't wear it every year since he knows the suit will get tiring for either him or his friends and has to dress up in a different costume, he just put on his skeleton suit when he feels like it. So if there's a big glowing skeleton walking in the dark, eerie night, you know who it is. However if it's not actually him, I say steer clear of it and hope it doesn't find you in the darkness of the night.

Here are some drawings showing an alt color palette and the glowing effect.

AtGSG alt color palettes
AtGSG Glowing Effect
AtGSG Neon Outline and Skeleton

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2048x2048px 1.39 MB
© 2024 - 2025 AdamuPereSU
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