Star Wars Slayn-Korpil FighterAdamKop on DeviantArt

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AdamKop's avatar

Star Wars Slayn-Korpil Fighter



A simple fighter that I designed some time ago for the Star Wars Universe.
It's made by the same company that made the famous B-wing, but is a much simpler design that's supposed to act as a support for bigger aircraft.
It has one pilot seat and a gunner station, which has a pivotable cannon. The craft utilizes a simpler version of the gyro-stabilizer for keeping the gunner a bit more stable while the ship twists and turns.
Sketch was done on paper and then redrawn in Photoshop.
Image size
1400x900px 169.13 KB
© 2011 - 2025 AdamKop
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tonystardreamer's avatar
Love the little orange spots.