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acrylicwildlife on DeviantArt
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FW 190D9 climbing to attack the bomber stream.
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3801x2073px 16.44 MB
© 2012 - 2025 acrylicwildlife
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I am a hobby painter so this 'critique' needs to be taken in that light. I think its a good subject and well executed - there is so much digital 'art' representing aircraft in hyper reality that more traditional rendition is hard to appreciate when presented on a computer screen. It comes into its own when you hang it on a wall. Regarding this particular painting my only comment is that it may benefit from greater use of contrast (Tonal range) on the aircraft. Because its in the foreground you can use a range of tones (values) between one and ten i.e white to very dark almost black. Though i would not advocate using black itself as it tends to be flat looking.