[CS Brain buns] IntroductionAcidicDoll on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/acidicdoll/art/CS-Brain-buns-Introduction-817141946AcidicDoll

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[CS Brain buns] Introduction



I was just brainstorming a bit and I came up with this concept
Since I myself am into dolls and collectables ~

These are an unknown line of Toy given the name 'Brain Buns' which began randomly appearing in various toy stores around the globe, There seems to be no replicas or copies making each one unique, excelling them into the Doll collectors line of interest making the dolls a highly collectable toy! Their main selling feature is of course their brain buns that are very squishy and a bit slimy to the touch but can be styled and moulded into various hairstyles and can also be accessorised with many things~ Their height is also another selling point as they can range from 27cm (10.6 inches) to 160cm (63 inches)! With the unknown brands sudden appearance came rumours and conspiracies with it, many of the collectors and even first time owners have speculated that the dolls are possessed or even alive with how they sometimes are out of place where their eyes have moved or one of their limbs have shifted from where they were last positioned, the more known stories that have been shared online is the dolls moving completely from one room to the other without the owner having touched them or better yet disappearing completely but soon reappear a few hours or days later.

I'd like to hear other people's thoughts/questions <3

Thanks for reading~ 

Art by AcidicDoll
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1994x2224px 2.42 MB
© 2019 - 2025 AcidicDoll
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StarstruckStudios69's avatar

Hey, about when will another MYO event for these be?