I like to draw things that interest me the most at a certain time. I usually draw architectural structures, but doodling cartoons is fun too.I prefer to draw with a plain paper and pencil.
So if you feel that some of my drawings are drab, you are welcome to color it or do a complete redraw of it
Hey there, I saw your note and I'm afraid requests are closed at the moment, they'll reopen at a later date of my deciding.
Hello! Sorry to be a bit of a bother but this scammer has followed you and 100s of others and I need to pass this info on. @AshleyArt09 is a scammer and has been hiding the call out messages. Proof.
I have also been making a list of scammers to share as well. Share this as much as you can or use this as a learning tool to know what to look for in a scammer. We all know that our respected governments and DA will not act so we have to. I hope for the day when we can just have a poorly run website, not a poorly run website with scammers. Have a good day!
Happy Birthday.
thank you
You're welcome.
hello dude are you there I'm still wanting to request you
im still here