NATG XIV Day 20: Bedtime BargainingAceBlazewing on DeviantArt

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NATG XIV Day 20: Bedtime Bargaining



Today's prompt: Draw a pony experiencing a twist of fate / Draw a pony delaying the inevitable.

One of the things Pastel loves about visiting her Auntie Cookie is getting to hear stories from her, whether they're about the adventures she and Syntax have been on, or about legends and tales of Equestria's past. As such, when she sleeps over, she loves having one of these stories before bed, and like many kids who don't want to stop the fun too soon, she'll sometimes beg for a little extra time for another story. Cookie does try to do the right thing by her, but she's also susceptible to one of the most effective bargaining tools a kid can use: an adorable pleading face. So, more often than not, Cookie's forced to bend the rules a bit to make her niece happy, but feels like it's worth it in the end.

As a fan of Bluey, I actually got inspiration for this idea from the times Bluey and Bingo have pulled 'please' faces on their parents, with this one in particular being inspired by the beginning of the incredible Season 2 episode 'Sleepytime'. =)

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