I consider myself as a visual storyteller. I do love comics and the dynamic art that it presents. I believe that a person can feel the raw emotion of the art as it unfolds in a comic book. My first published work was in 2011 with 215 Ink titled: Super Action Man. That was a bit disappointing but I moved on. Then came gigs with another Indie publishing company called Advent Comics. My recent work can be seen on Secret Identities Vol II Shattered. Future projects include Planet Random Comics. At the moment, I'm busy with commissions and still trying to break into a more regular gig in mainstream comics. Go support your local comic book store and engulf yourself in modern literature. That's all. I may not have much to say, I just let my art speak out to you. Thanks for reading and hope to meet you on my journey as I try to develop my skill and grow as a person as well.
Current Residence: California
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Favourite photographer: Maria Fernandez
Favourite style of art: Good ones
MP3 player of choice: The Phonograph
Favourite cartoon character: Elmer Fudd
>! love your work !<
If this account is no longer active,he's also on Artstation.com and his e-mail address is ace_0126@yahoo.com(he publicly states what his e-mail address is on Artstation and on here).You can find him on there and contact him through his e-mail address(that's what I'll be doing,as I would like to work with him on a comic book in the future).