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Adam Brian Carabet
124 Watchers178 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (26)
My Bio

Born in Las Vegas, grew up in San Diego, and currently reside in Dallas. Graduated from The Kubert School in 2010. Interned with Panache Partners as a graphic designer. Private commissions are most of my business and I am almost always available to take on new ones. I have the most amazing family and they continue to push me and inspire me everyday.

Favourite Visual Artist
Not Joe Bowen . . . . j/k. He's cool by me.
Favourite Movies
Iron Man, Batman Begins, Predator, Aliens, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Spiderman 2, X2, Jurassic Park
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Jimmy Eat World, CCR, Alkaline Trio, Aerosmith, Weezer
Favourite Games
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart 64, Madden, Halo, GTA, Tiger Woods
Favourite Gaming Platform
X Box 360 or Nintendo 64
Tools of the Trade
My own two hands!
Other Interests
Drawing, painting, movies, sports, video games
It all starts with that job that a friend hooks you up with.  That leads to something else, which leads to another thing.  It's nice getting paid to do what you love.  Maybe this freelance thing will work out.  As soon as I'm aloud to, I'll start posting some of the work I've been doing.  Right now I have three jobs on my plate.  I'm helping an old friend from high school design a pair of buffalo sauce labels for the company he works for.  Today I just got hired to do a pin-up from on of the work for hire e-mails Kraiger sends to us Kubies.  My big job right now is doing storyboards and character designs for a small medical company develop...
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So for those of you who have checked out my Samurai Predator piece, you may have noticed that :iconsilverfangedweedo: has been implying that I stole the piece from someone else.  I asked him to send me links to other place(s) that he saw the Predator piece, but he "can't remember" where he saw it.  Sorry I just had to vent for a second.  You can go check the thread on the Predator piece.  And those of you who know me, know i wouldn't steal an illustration from any other artist and call it my own.  That is all.
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DC Meetings

0 min read
It's official.  We are meeting with Mike Marts Friday, April 30th for a portfolio review.  As many of you know, mike is the current editor for Batman at DC Comics.  He is also Andy Kuberts editor.  I hear good things about the guy, so I'm looking forward to meeting him.  Also, we are going to DC's offices in NYC on Tuesday, May 11th.  That's pretty awesome, but the coolest part is that we are going to get reviewed by Richard Bruning (Senior Vice-President-Creative Director), Mark Chiarello (DC editor and Creator of the Batman Black and White mini series), and Jim Lee himself (Do i really need to note HIS achievements?)!  This is really the...
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Profile Comments 145

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queenElsafan2015's avatar
Do you take free requests
acarabet's avatar
For an Elsa fan? Absolutely. Sorry it took so long to get back to you.
dazza1008's avatar
Welcome to Dreddheads, Citizen.

:bulletred: Introduce yourself here
:bulletred: A lot of Dredd art is in our faves
:bulletred: Since many praise the movie Dredd (2012) as a faithful adaptation and awesome movie, please make sure to sign the official petition if you'd like a sequel.

VaporLuna's avatar
Thanks for letting the group feature your work! :coffeecup:
AbrahamDHR's avatar
You're awesome man, your gallery is great :D:D