UT Comic: Sick Day Part2AbsoluteDream on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/absolutedream/art/UT-Comic-Sick-Day-Part2-607134459AbsoluteDream

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UT Comic: Sick Day Part2



Part 1:UT Comic: Sick Day Part1 by AbsoluteDream  Part 2:  You're here!  Part 3:  UT Comic: Sick Day Part3 by AbsoluteDream


Q:  Can I dub your comic?
A:  Abso-positively-lutely! :D (Big Grin)  The only thing I ask is if you could credit me somewhere and provide a link back to the original comic here.  Also, don't be afraid to show me!  I'd love to see it!

Q:  Can I translate your comic?
A:  Yep!  Same as above, all I ask is to credit me and provide a link back to the original. ^^


Can a skeleton get sick?  Uhh... I dunno.  I made a comic anyway.  ^^;

Anyway, this is just another random idea I had.  I imagine Papyrus would rarely ever gets sick, if at all.  What would happen if he was too sick to work?  So this scenario popped up in my head.  I started this about two months ago, and I finally got around to finishing it. XD  



Undertale and Characters belong to Toby Fox
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900x18034px 9.78 MB
© 2016 - 2025 AbsoluteDream
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manuztur's avatar

"Is it possible for a skeleton to feel queasy?". Or getting sick? Or feel pain? Or need to sleep? Nah, it shouldn't, yet here we are XD