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The Fartfilter Aftermath
This is a continuation of the story ‘becoming a fart filter’ so if you haven’t read it, I would advise you to read that first. Just to get a better understanding of what's going on 😊.
Emma was sat on the sofa, in the living room chowing down on some potato chips, as she often did. She had been to school all day and was finally able to relax after a long hard day. She was wearing the same grey sweatpants as she always did when she felt lazy at home.
A slow hissing sound could be heard from her seat, as she reached for her drink besides her. She didn’t really acknowledge the warm fart she had just shot right into the sofa cushion. She never really did anymore, and why should she?
she had her own personal fart filter to take care of the smell, sometimes she farted without even knowing, it just didn’t matter anymore. She often forgot that her fart filter was a living breathing person...
Inside her black panties, in-between her cheeks, right up against her butthole, the poor Jacob was trapped, forced to breathe whatever his owner produced.
Jacob’s air supply consisted of the small air bubbles that sometimes occurred between the asscheeks of Clara. It wasn’t pleasant to say the least, but if he wanted to survive, he really didn’t have a choice not to breathe in the stale ass smell of his former sister.
Jacob felt the familiar warm air surround his trapped face as he inhaled as hard as he could. He had learned early that it was best to inhale/filter everything his sisters gave him. If they smelt even a tiny Wiff of their own farts the punishments were often cruel and disgusting.
Jacob had been used and abused as the two sisters fartfilter for 4 months now. Unfortunately for Jacob, he never got used to the smell and taste of their farts. Every breath was pure torture whenever they decided to let on go.
Jacob’s vision was slowly fading, due to being stuck in darkness pretty much all day and night for months. They didn’t treat him like a human anymore, more like an object they could use whenever they needed, which was pretty much all the time.
The only way Jacob was able to tell time anymore, was the rare occurrence of him getting to sleep in his jar instead of being used while the girls slept. This had happened about 10 times during the 4 months he has been a slave.
Jacob was defeated a long time ago and didn’t struggle much. However, there were times when his user would let go of an especially disgusting fart and he would fight against his restraints... OfCourse to no avail.
One thing Jacob began to realize, was that he could decipher who’s farts he was filtering just from the smell. For example, Sofia’s morning farts were super potent and eggy, while Clara’s morning farts were slow warm hissing farts that smelt like rotten vegetables. Some of the worst farts however was when he was used at nighttime. One thing was the smell OfCourse, but another thing was the thought behind the whole ordeal.
‘Why do they even need me while they sleep?” Jacob always thought about.
But then again, Clara and Sofia didn’t see Jacob as a human anymore, so sleeping with the poor tiny trapped against their buttholes were just a joke to them...
Another fart brought Jacob out of his thoughts... trying not to gag he inhaled like a good fart filter would, as Clara sat above watching her show.
“how’s it smells down their J?”
Clara asked nonchalantly, not taking her eyes of the screen. She knew he couldn't answer but both sisters still found it was funny whenever they thought about poor Jacob forced to inhale their vile gas.
Hahaha ain't no way! My sis has an equally big ass and the same pants 😂