Super Sonico test at Dragon ConAbbyDark-Star on DeviantArt

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Super Sonico test at Dragon Con



Super Sonico was born thanks to Jessica Nigri.  Prior to, I really had no idea who the character was or if it was game, anime, etc... but once I had heard that she was going to be doing the US dub VO work for Sonico, in conjunction with finding out that my friend Monika was also involved in it, I was eager to watch it when it was available on Blu-Ray ( ).

Even though the anime itself didn't see to have a strong story, it was cute and Sonico was a pretty cool character (Jess did an amazing job on the voice, very proud of her).

Watching the character, with her being a part time model, a student and a musician, the potential for fun costumes was open ended.  Add to it the large number of awesome PVC figures, books, etc... there was no shortage of inspiration to draw from.  

So I decided to give it a shot.  The first version I decided to do would be the white bikini version, inspired by this:

I had the bikini custom made by, ordered a wig and styled it, found a decent white shirt, ordered contacts, ordered some awesome headphones and made a macaron plate with foam macarons.  I also have the stockings and shoes, but for Dragon Con I decided just to toss on a pair of jeans.  It was crazy crowded and I figured better safe than sorry

The photo was taken by David Ngo…

I feel like it's a reasonable start.  I plan to do a number of themed shoots with her now that I have the key elements.  The costume is overall simple, easy and fun.  Sometimes after spending tons of time making things from the ground up, it's really nice to just assemble something.
Image size
800x1200px 624.53 KB
Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Shutter Speed
1/160 second
Focal Length
35 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Sep 5, 2015, 8:32:40 PM
Sensor Size
© 2015 - 2025 AbbyDark-Star
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