Possessionaapex on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aapex/art/Possession-495309513aapex

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 Eyes are glaring red with a conscious set to kill
Nostrils flared and the eyebrows parallel
Thriving on the chaos and the suffering I have caused on you all
A dispute of man and diabolical beasts
How could one cipher such a malevolent being
I am certain of humanity's demise

Possession by Whitechapel
One of my favorite songs, thought it was perfect for Con!


It is done!  This is Fallenn13 's Contagion! And he is a beautiful, complex man, I must say. He's also pretty scary these days D: Poor guy has had his heart broken & has gone through such loss. :c So clearly, he has a lot to be angry about.  And I'm trying to show his anger & sadness here, as well as his strength.  So here is the big, powerful Contagion, up on a cliff with the blood & skulls of anyone who gets in his way. One of the skulls is meant to be small, to show just how heartless he can be. I hope I've managed to portray him well & kindof create a picture of what he's going through right now ♥

I really, really had an awesome time with this. Mostly, it all came together pretty well, which doesn't always happen. But it probably helped that, on a certain level, I felt like I could relate to this guy, it just made the whole process more inspired. I love when that happens. Those skulls and stuff though, so tedious D:
Anyway, hope you like it Fallenn! ♥

Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet Baby Blue Bullet  

 Any views, fav's, & comments are greatly, greatly appreciated ♥ 
I used a lot of stock in this piece, so an extra special thanks to these wonderful stock providers!

This image is copyright to apexdigitalconquests. Please do not use, redistribute, or alter without my permission.

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horsehhuggr's avatar
I KNEW THIS WAS CON! He looks phenomenal!