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Dancing queen (a brief excerpt from The Dragon) by 914four, literature

Look, it's art, it doesn't need a model, OK? by 914four, literature

Snow by 914four, literature

Pour un instant... by 914four, literature

Tease by 914four, literature

The Kentauride - Hors Serie by 914four, literature

Therapy (an extract from The Centaur) by 914four, literature

Soul searching - an excerpt from The Centaur by 914four, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
My Bio
"I don't have all the answers, but I certainly have a lot of questions." - me

Current Residence: Canada Canada, eh?
Why am I here? I joined art because it kept coming up in Google searches for the words "Centaur" and "Kentauride." Since I'm currently in the process of writing a trilogy that features a young Kentauride in a modern setting, this seemed to be the place to hang out. OMG MOAR POEMS!
Fortune by 914four

The first two books in the series are available at Amazon in Kindle form, with printed versions expected late summer 2014 soon.
Book three is scheduled for some time in the foreseeable future...

Tanita and Tanus, both Centaurs, are my OCs, as are Mark, David and Chloe who are all "normal," meaning that they buy shoes one pair at a time...

I'm also an avid transportation fanatic, do motorsports photography Firelite-photo, ferroequinology photography, some basic photography (animals and landscapes mostly) and some freehand sketching on occasion. All of my submissions have ratings, some are free for you to do as you please with, others I'd rather not be used for commercial purposes because they may have trademarks or such that I cannot grant you rights forDeath, and lastly some are personal and are shared simply because someone askedIdea. I would respectfully request that you heed the rating as they are posted for each submission; just because one image is free for you to use doesn't mean that all are. I have several hundred thousand images stored on UDO and DDS media. Unfortunately the database linking to these images was lost due to bit rot (data corruption), so it is not a simple task to find anything; if I have promised to find an image for you, please be patient, as it can be very time consuming and I do have a day job. Lastly, I do not Photoshop any of my images, what you see is what I shot, unless otherwise indicated. Thanks. :-) (Smile)

I am very open to comments and critiques, and encourage constructive criticism. If you didn't like it, tell me why, and I'll try and do better next time. I make every attempt to be fair and constructive in my comments, I appreciate it when others to do the same. I tend to use a lot of quotes in my posts, I collect quotes and use them liberally.

Also, if I should die, please do not let my wife sell my diecast or model train collections for what she thinks I paid for them.

Operating System: OSX, Solaris 10, Mint Linux
MP3 player of choice: antique iPod, sometimes my MacBook Pro
Shell of choice: Bourne (or BASH)
Wallpaper of choice: It would take too much room to explain... =p (Razz)
Skin of choice: Pirelli P-Zero... wait, is that skin or skins?
Favourite cartoon character: Rubine, also Taarna (from the original Heavy Metal)
Dumbest thing I can remember doing: Getting completely airborne in an '87 VW Fox
Smartest thing I can remember doing: Convincing my then girlfriend to move in with me
Strangest thing I can remember doing: Reading the entire "Mission Earth" series by L. Ron Hubbard.
Greatest accomplishment: My son
Personal Quote: You should never attempt to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig.
Iconoclasm: I've thought of myself as an iconoclast ever since I first looked up the definition, some time ago. When I say iconoclast, I mean it in the nonconformist way, not one who destroys church property. I've always challenged the status quo, and nothing annoys me more than "That's the way we've always done it," with the possible exception of "That's not my job" and "Do you know who I am?" In my opinion, everyone deserves respect; some may have earned a bit more, but those who demand it deserve it just a bit less.
The boss: Intense by 914four

Favourite Visual Artist
Ernst Fuchs (Living) / William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) / Patrick Nagel
Favourite Movies
The first Star Wars, where Han Solo shoots first
Favourite TV Shows
Babylon 5, Hill Street Blues, Soap, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Firefly, Veronica Mars, The Blacklist
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Rush, BNL, Matchbox 20, too many to pick a favorite
Favourite Books
WorldWar Series-Turtledove, Perdido Street Station-China Miéville, Red Storm Rising-Clancy, The Amtrak Wars series-Patrick Tilly
Favourite Writers
China Miéville, Harry Turtledove, Lilith Saintcrow, Douglas Adams, how can I pick just one?
Favourite Games
Avalon Hill games
Favourite Gaming Platform
An aircooled Porsche 911; the volume control is the pedal on the right.
Tools of the Trade
Coffee, lots of it
Other Interests
Trains, planes and automobiles. Also music, reading, writing and photography.
When Google maps and the road disagree, I always recommend going with the road…
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I have just received my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, hoping all of you are well and either fully or at least partially there. It’s really hard to write fiction, which must have at least a minimum of credibility, when reality is currently so effing incredible.
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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Club-Dreamiverse's avatar

Thanks for this llama badge. May I introduce myself to you?

914four's avatar

Please do. I must warn you however, that I am easily distracted and often absent!

Club-Dreamiverse's avatar

Hello. I'm Nickolas/Club-Dreamiverse and I'm doing good, you? Want to role-play with me in notes or chatroom?

RUreddyjoe86's avatar

Hope you are doing well through the pandemic!   Any update on book 3 of the kentauride?

914four's avatar

Hi Joe, hope you’re keeping safe during this pandemic. I´m not quite ready to talk about book 3 yet, but will try to post an update soon. Life is a bit crazy at the moment and, well, there have been more complications.