Westeros - The Vale of Arryn86Botond on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/86botond/art/Westeros-The-Vale-of-Arryn-82016335486Botond

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Westeros - The Vale of Arryn

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Diego-Cobo-Sanchez's avatar

Ah, the beautiful Vale, home of the falcon lords, well protected by its Mountains of the Moon and well fed by its rich valleys. Much obliged for this, 86Botond!! You even correctly remembered the elusive Three Sisters 😏😉!

PS: Spoilers until "The Winds of Winter"!

For now, and against the wishes of some of its lords, the Vale has remained in peace, unlike the rest of the continent. BUT between Littlefinger's scheming, the rebellious Lords Declarant, the Hill Tribes rampaging with Lannister weapons, the coming of the Others, etc. I dare calculate the dogs of war shall enter the lands of the Falcon Knight in mr. Martin's next book..