Princess Bala Stuck In Shoe Gum81182banjo on DeviantArt

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Princess Bala Stuck In Shoe Gum



A collage of Princess Bala from Antz stuck in a piece of bubblegum on the big shoe that stomps her. Also, as a bonus, here's the big shoe scene in the movie's original script:

Z Bala, look out!! They are only saved by the fact that they are so small - .the holes of the swatter pass over them. The woman, realizing that the swatter won't work on ants, throws it to the side and tries stomping on them... Before Bala can get away, a sneaker falls on her with a thunderous BOOM that shakes the ground. BALA MMMffllmmm... The shoe rises, as the person wearing it steps away...and we see that Bala is stuck in one of the ridges of the waffle- soled sneaker, adhering to a big piece of bubblegum! BALA Z! Help me!!! But Bala is carried off on the sneaker in a huge, looping, ferris-wheel-like motion. BOOM. The sneaker on which Bala is stuck falls again, as the woman tries to step on Z, too -- Z Bala! (mournfully) I'll never see her again... -- But he does, instantly, as the shoe rises again, showing Bala stuck deeper in the bubblegum -- BALA Z!!! Get me out of heeeeere! -- The woman has decided to walk away from the picnic to get the bubblegum off her shoe...Z heart sinks as the shoe Bala's stuck on lopes off into the distance... Z (thinks) These things always come in twos... He sees a SECOND SHOE starting to rise -- Z Take me to your leader! Z runs towards the shoe as it rises... and at the last moment catches on to the snaky, swinging shoe-lace. Z Whoooooooaaaa!!! The sneaker lifts off into the air, with Z holding on for dear life to the lace, and getting further and further away from Bala as he's drawn to a vertiginous height...the landscape can be seen rolling and pitching crazily in the background... Z Bala! Come back here! For a moment, the sneaker seems to pause in the air...then it descends again, in a stomach-churning, roller-coaster free- fall as the sneaker on which Bala is stuck rises up again... BALA Z!!!!!!! I'm stuck! -- But Z is trying to keep his lunch down as he descends. The sneaker hits the ground, and Z can feel himself's now or never. Z (Tarzan whoop) Aa-ee-ya-ee-yaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! As the sneaker rises again, he swings off the lace, hurtling through the air and catching one of the laces of Bala's sneaker...the momentum swings him up and under the sole... BALA Z! You're here! Z gets smashed into the bubblegum next to Bala. Now he's stuck too. Z (ruefully) Yeah. I'm here. The sneaker descends again. Z and Bala hold hands and SCREAM as they see the ground rise too meet them... THUD! They're squished deeper into the bubblegum. The sneaker rises again... BALA (emotional) Z...if we don't make it...I just want you to know.... Z (touched) Yes? BALA This is all your fault!!! The sneaker rises, and seems ready to fall again...but instead it just hovers there. (The person wearing it is balancing on one leg and about to scrape off the bubblegum with a penny). Z We're safe... Just then, the hand holding the penny looms up...the penny is, by ant standards, about sixty feet high. The huge image of Abraham Lincoln stares down at them. Z Who the hell is that?!!! The penny starts scrapes the bubblegum off the sneaker, bringing Bala and Z along with it. They're carried through the air as the penny gets thrown away...turning over and over in a lopsided orbit as Bala and Z SCREAM... ...and land with a CRASH in total darkness.

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353x560px 224.63 KB
© 2024 - 2025 81182banjo
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xtylermatt15's avatar

Wish that giant was a women it was supposed to be girl or women but it male boy instead and yea ow 🤕