Favourite Movies
STAR WARS !!! MARVEL movies !!!...favourite genres: action, fantasy, adventure, history
Favourite TV Shows
Currently Lucifer, Stranger Things, Shadowhunters
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I don't have favourites but I mostly listen to rock and metal music
Favourite Books
Harry Potter series︱Witcher series︱The Vampire Chronicles︱The Scarlet Gospels
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allan Poe︱J.K.Rowling︱Andrzej Sapkowski︱Anne Rice︱Clive Barker
Favourite Games
The Witcher 3︱Borderlands 2︱Borderlands The Pre-Sequel︱Battlefront 2 | Detroit Become Human
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC︱Xbox One | PS4
Other Interests
✧・゚crystals and magic ✧・゚