Hi, Thanks for visiting. This is my passion project and I’m delighted you stopped by!
My first love is sci-fi and fantasy content, shows, novels and media.
As reboots and reimaginings continue across media , I reimagine some of my favourites including Blake's 7, Doctor Who (re-imagine many Big Finish audio stories, Farscape, sapphire & Steel, The Fantastic Journey and many more.
My work here is for fun only, I'm not interested in selling or NFT ( scams, just delete NFT emails). If you would like a digital of any thing just give me a shout, I upscale to 6000 in Topaz GigaPixel I am also happy to submit my work to digital gallery exhibitions etc
Hope you enjoy them.
Cheers, Jason
Thank you so much for the badge. Much appreciated
I sure hope you haven't stopped creating this great new sf art. You were doing great - one of my favorite sites of this type. You're very talented and we miss your work! 😊
Ah thanks so very much! Will share some more soon! 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you for watching!
Thank you for the follow!