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Just shush, and do art.
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Traditional Art
  • May 5, 1995
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (114)
My Bio

Currently getting my AAT for Studio Arts at a community college, and I'm planning on getting a Bachelors on Illustration in the futture.
I'm barely getting into digital art work, but most of my work is traditional.
I appreciate the fine arts as well as american cartoons, anime and comics.

Favourite Visual Artist
Frida Kahlo, Rumiko Takahashi, Michaelangelo, Tim Burton, Guillermo Del Toro, Kaoru Mori
Favourite Movies
The Mummy,Ghost,Sweeney Todd,The Prince of Eygpt, Hunchback of Notre dam,Terminator, Never Let Me Go, The Devil's Double, Tokyo GodFathers, Metropolis,Millenium Actress, Hayao Miyazaki films(to many to choose),Silence of the Lambs
Favourite TV Shows
Supernatural(Love Dean<3)Cold Case, Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU, The Simpsons,PPG,a lot of cartoons of my childhood lol(anime,dc and marvel cartoons included)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Bon Jovi, X Japan,Girugamesh, Alice Cooper, Carlos Santana, Shinee(lol kpop is a guilty plessure), Vocaloids, Joan Jett, Nat King Cole
Favourite Books
Indian Killer,The Outsiders, the Haunting of Derek Stone, Almost Like Being in Love, The Vast Fields of Ordinary, The Voice in the Night, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Prison Memoirs of a Japanese Woman
Favourite Writers
Edgar Alan Poe, Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Sherman Alexie
Favourite Games
meh I barely play video games anymore except for my demo Excalibur game, but thats about it lol I play cards XD Pokemon nintendo games to :)
Other Interests
In becoming a graphic novelist, in other words creating my own comic/manga like Rumiko Takahashi and a director like Tim Burton, Hayao Miyazak, and Satoshi Kon =D
For anyone who reads this, thank you.Aside from that, my confessions is that I had isolated myself from many things, people and even social media people, to which is why, barely now I am checking my dA account.I had doubts in myself, and had anxiety of not being sure in what to do in my life. Well, actually I do have an idea, it is art. I want to create my own manga/ comic/ graphic novel, however anybody interpreted. I like telling stories, I want to tell stories, even though I have family members who doubt me, I want to do it.I had struggled with no support, in which had cause my depression and anxiety, I actually thought there was someth...
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New inspiration, new goals and a new start, no more time to be afraid anymore.
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I just had to change the journal entry, the last one was to depressing.  But I&#039;m in a better mood at the moment being, so...Yay!  All I can say that I gotten more into k-pop recently lol News of the month :XD: Since my b-day on Monday, stuff have been getting better :) no big party or anything just simple things making happy. I just need to keep this positive attitude going in order to reach my goal in affording for the college I want to go to.:aww:
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AsteraLady's avatar
Happy Birthday~!!!!!
4naruto-girl's avatar
Thank you so much! :D man I've been busy these months at school I haven't had time to long on lol
AsteraLady's avatar
Chuu so welcome~!!!! <333
moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar
4naruto-girl's avatar
Thank you very much :)
moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar
You're very welcome. :)