Explain42cync on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/42cync/art/Explain-90494858442cync

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been mostly doing meme redraws with OCS cause it forces me to analyze my "style"...well, at least I think it does.

also it's fun and I learn things pft.
Kinda feel like spilling some backstory on who this even is 🤭 he's a redesigned OC I used to have a long time ago named Cayle, who was some kinda fox spirit thing.

They're now a werewolf named Selen Cayle who works as a professional photographer. He eventually meets my other OC Ocial, the vampire, who works as a museum archivist and his charge Khalise, a newly turned vampire. I think this is the most I've written PUBLICLY about any of them tbh...their whole story is very much still a WIP. but ofc it's all written on a meme pic
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