2P-Hetalia's avatar


Official and Unofficial Designs
Years Ago

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anonymous's avatar
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BubblesGoesPop's avatar
What about ships involving the 2p's?
borderlin-e's avatar
Groups + Couples folder if that's what you're asking about
BubblesGoesPop's avatar
Sorry, I didn't see that. Day56 - Happy Cry 
Crni-Zec's avatar
Question: Are you able to remove riotachan.deviantart.com/ from the group?
The original artist is here sun0627.deviantart.com/gallery… and I didn't see them mention anything about moving accounts 
Also their locations and birthdays don't match
And riotachan deactivated a few days ago and reactivated their account again
I'm pretty sure they're an art thief ;;
borderlin-e's avatar
I'm not sure if they're a member, but I can check and do that if so.

Edit: I've checked and as a co-founder, I don't have the privilege to kick members... :0  Only the founder can and they don't seem to have been active for almost two years.
Crni-Zec's avatar
On riotachan's profile it says that they are a member (in the group section)
The original artist was active a few days ago on the real account so I guess that this one is a thief ;;

Well shit that's too bad, but just don't let them post any stolen artwork into the group, okay?
The real artist should get all the faves and comments rather than this one 
borderlin-e's avatar
Yeah, I know, I follow the original artist and I don't accept/invite things when I can tell the work's stolen...as someone who's had a ton of art stolen myself.