Icarus 2 Redux WIP322753Productions on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/2753productions/art/Icarus-2-Redux-WIP32-3504938742753Productions

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2753Productions's avatar

Icarus 2 Redux WIP32



Slowly getting the lighting right on this beast, I'm pulling it out and working on it every chance I get. I'm trying to follow the film lighting as closely as possible where I can...

Icarus 2 from the 2007 movie Sunshine, mesh by me.

As always, Cinema 4D :thumbsup:
Image size
2000x1125px 238.46 KB
© 2013 - 2025 2753Productions
anonymous's avatar
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Kai-ni's avatar
I'm super excited this model still exists; been a longtime fan of the movie and I first saw this model of yours... years ago. it's still just as impressive!