Icarus 2 Redux WIP312753Productions on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/2753productions/art/Icarus-2-Redux-WIP31-3503497362753Productions

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Icarus 2 Redux WIP31



So here we go... another quickie update. In this one I chunked all of my lighting in favor of trying to match what they had in the movie better. I took another look at the movie, and realized that the top lights were not floods, or even regular "bulb" lights of any sort, but rather large "light bars" that look like over-sized industrial fluorescent bulbs. Mind you, this still does not have the new materials, since most of the lighting is a very light blueish cast, I wanted to get the lighting right before I go ahead with the new materials, so that I can get the material color and style closer to how they had it in the movie.

Hope you like...

As always, Cinema 4D :thumbsup:
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2000x1125px 412.3 KB
© 2013 - 2025 2753Productions
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Deliciusman's avatar
This looks beautiful!

Funny coincidence, im making this in solidworks at the moment