Jealous1Snoopierdass on DeviantArt

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1Snoopierdass's avatar




A small comic practice xD is not directly related to my main story (let's see in the future). In this particular world the heat is ridiculously crazy so before training Juniper changed her black leggins for a short but then...well read the comic xDD

note: in Mixer Slayers, Juniper is able to get of the city temporary because of the menace to her homeworld and others thanks to the magical elders.

All the characters belong to their owners
Fanart by :icon1snoopierdass:
Image size
2550x3300px 3.08 MB
© 2018 - 2025 1Snoopierdass
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Asaylum117's avatar
Why does Sonic need training? He has super speed LOL. Also isn't Max with Roxane? Where that went?