[Wyn] Meeting1Apple-Fox1 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/1apple-fox1/art/Wyn-Meeting-8008374941Apple-Fox1

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[Wyn] Meeting



This takes place during the Deelaplague!

It had been a long couple of weeks, and Cheri was very visibly exhausted- by what, they couldn’t quite say but just like the clouds hung over head something seemed to be casting a dim outlook on everything in the Wyngro’s head. They held a scarf in one huge claw. It belonged to her- the name they tried to cast out of their mind to find some sort of peace but…

No matter what Cheri did the event would keep popping into their mind- nightmare after nightmare. Wondering about what ifs and everything in between.

And while they didn’t show any symptoms of the new plague it was obvious that the ‘Gro was worse for wear, heavy bags under their eyes and the usual passion all but burnt out…

‘What’s the point- why am I here- why am I-’

When the tears stung at their eyes, they refused to think about it any longer- now laying outside the tent- tired eyes watching the clouded sky.


“Would.. You like a drink?” A soft voice piped up, a blue and purple gro stood there, holding small cups in their paws.

They offered a smile, one that despite its pain was genuine and full. “I.. hope you don’t mind me coming over here, you.. Y-you seemed upset, and a bit tired so.. I brought a little bit of coco if you’d like it?”
The gro sat carefully, moving to set the cups down in between them both as they hung their head, sighing as their smile didn’t waver, “..I’m.. Shariki, but everyone tends to call me Shark..”


The new voice caught the dark pink Wyngro off guard, almost flinching as their gaze was drawn away from the sky.

If this was any other day, Cheri would have told them to leave, or do it themselves. But this wasn’t just another day…

Their gaze didn’t betray the tiredness in the rest of their features, but even so they nodded- for the very first time letting someone other than Lehti in… the dark pink one grabbed onto the cup the other had placed down- the warmth was nice against their claws and with a deep breath in…

“... Thanks.” The voice was dry and rough, like they hadn't used it in a while- (the Gro would never admit that the reason for it was crying) “N… name’s Cheri…” they mumbled out, unsure if they were going about this conversation thing right.

Shark smiled, nodding lightly “That’s a really nice name..” she replied gently. Looking down at their own cup, she let out a shaky breath “..This plague has.. Been difficult, huh?..”, they kept their soft smile despite the feeling of pain in their own voice. Paws gently gripping her cup as she looked at the reflection.

A quick flash of pain was visible on the pink gro’s face, one they tried to cover but it was evident it was not easy. “Yeah…” taking a sip they looked at the other Gro- the same painful expression on her face. They glanced down, unsure of how to go about cheering someone up but-

Thinking of Lehti and what she would do… they took a deep breath in, to calm their nerves. “Shark, was it?” Cheri looked back at their own cup. “... If you um…” This was hard to admit- hard to even do for someone like Cheri who used to be so mean to others. “If you need someone… To talk to… I’m always willing to lend an ear…” They fluster around the words-as if they aren’t sure if they’re saying it right, and despite avoiding eye contact they look sincere about it.. But they wouldn’t admit that they were just lonely.

Shark nodded, feeling small tears prick the corner of her eyes despite her smile, “I appreciate that, I really really do.. I’d gladly do the same for you.. It’s better to let it out, then let the bottle break, right?” She offered gently.
She moved a paw to wipe her eyes, trying to play it off as a slight itch or irritation. Sipping at her drink once again.


Cheri breathed out- they weren’t sure if it was a sigh of relief or something else but they felt… At ease around this Wyngro, more so than moments ago. It was odd for them to feel- almost normal again. They chugged down the rest of the warm drink- and breathed out again.

Cheri looked over to the quarantine tent, and then the scarf still held loosely in their claws. This is… This is what she wanted right? Lehti had said something about opening up to others- they were pulled away for their thoughts, seeing the other gro reach to rub their eyes. “W-wait did I make you cry? I’m sorry I don’t usually talk to people so I don’t- I don’t know how… to…”


“No no no- It’s.. it’s not your fault, don’t worry..” She chuckled out softly, trying not to let the other worry too much.

They didn’t want to scare someone off.. She’d liked the company of someone else, someone besides her parents.
“This plague has just.. My egg layer got infected, a-and I guess I’m just worried no matter what I do..” Shark sighed, but kept herself together.

Taking a small breath, she looked to Cheri, nodding but.. She seemed happy near them “Well, you’re doing good, really, don’t worry” She giggled out.


A whole nest… The thought of it made Cheri’s thoughts grow dim and they glanced a look at the scarf in their claws again. “I hope- everything ends up alright for you then…” They thought briefly of Lehti, and then the other green Wyngling that Cheri hadn’t seen for a while. They narrowed their eyes, briefly debating whether or not to tell them about their departed friend but… Now seemed like a bad time, and what was a good reason to share such info anyways?

Then they looked at the cup, now empty of its cocoa- they felt a little guilty for having nothing to offer in return. “Hey uh… today was- it was nice.” for such a gruff and stern looking Wyngro, they seemed to stumble over their words quite a bit. They glanced at the tent, to see an anxious looking Dr. F glancing there direction… They Huffed, almost debating ignoring the gro until they thought about the potential hurting child inside.

“Hey I- Gotta go.” The pink gro stands up and starts walking their way over to the tent, but first they stopped to look at Shark. “Next time, I’ll bring you something alright?” they gave an awkward grin before walking off


the ship begins

ive had this on the back burner since january and was only able to get it up now- the writing is an RP between me and Dragon-Burn so i will not count wyns for that but either way get ready for the new power couple!

Shark is owned by Dragon-Burn


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© 2019 - 2025 1Apple-Fox1
anonymous's avatar
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yadahik's avatar
your style is so cute!