I'm Emaleth, but call me Emmie~~.:I love gloomy weather, My wonderful and talented friends and family on deviantART and IRL, Winter,Halloween,Christmas,tea and coffee,snow,Mechanical pencils, vampires,zombies,and rainbows :. ~
.:I hate math,spiders and bright sunlight:.
Current Residence: Pennsylvania
deviantWEAR sizing preference: large. Its so comfy that way!
Favourite style of art: manga, pencil sketching and my own
Operating System: XP
MP3 player of choice: I-Pod touch!! <3
Shell of choice: one of those big curly ones...
Wallpaper of choice: owls >_>...
Skin of choice: mine! :U
Favourite cartoon character: Wall-E, Minnie and Jr., Inuyasha, Ranma,GIR, Fujimoto,Lum and Ataru, Sunako and Kyohei, and JTHM
Personal Quote: DONT JUDGE ME!! and...Curses!! D:<