Special Agent Tammy17SHD135 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/17shd135/art/Special-Agent-Tammy-95121601317SHD135

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Special Agent Tammy



Another one of the GPC's finest operatives. Special Agent Lt. Tabitha "Tammy" McConnell is a woman with quite an enthusiastic pattern. When she's not busy protecting national security from the spooky and scary, she's clocking in one too many miles on her fancy ride as an avid street racing prodigy, all while raising her adopted anomalous son, who she took in after the untimely demise of his family.

Originating from a family of racing enthusiasts dating back as early as the greaser days, Tammy's uncanny ability behind the wheel comes naturally to her. She can rock a car just as her sister can rock a motorcycle. Rumor has it Tammy got her car from some trust-fund chump who couldn't stay quiet and do what he was told. Suffice to say, she's been ridin' his whip better than he ever could, but the poor bastard in question is probably still crying over his mommy and daddy telling him off for losing the car they bought him and being an underachieving slacker with too much time on his hands.

During the heydays of Alvinport's street racing scene, she befriended an up-and-coming "hero boy" named Benjamin Strauser, who rolled in with the infamous Ubermacht Sentinel SG4 race car dubbed by locals as "Public Enemy" due to its unspeakable, horrifying powers, and for being the bane of racers and police alike. This, of course, impressed Tammy, and soon she became smitten by him. Unfortunately, before she could confess her feelings to him, he took off when the city's racing scene began falling apart, and since then, she's been in a rut about it and left wondering if she'll ever see him again. Thinking of him as irreplaceable, she's refused to try her luck with anybody else after his departure.

She first met Liam, her adopted son, when he saw her at a gas station on his way home from school. The little boy told her that she would get hit by a train while street racing and even told her the exact location and time it would happen. Having been employed by a government agency specializing in the supernatural, she believed him, heeded his warning, and survived that night's race.

Fascinated by his ability to foresee when people would die, she conducted an interview with the boy and saw to it that he got his own entry into the GPC Datacenter. During the interview, the little boy told Tammy that he tried to warn his family about how they would die. His parents dismissed his claims and continued ostracising him for not being like his older siblings, who frequently bullied him because they simply thought of him as a "freak." Tammy promised the boy that if his premonition did indeed come true, she would step in for him in their place, with the added promise of not treating him like they had.

And it sure as hell did... One fateful afternoon, during a traffic jam in the middle of an intersection, the family's minivan and all of its occupants were blown up in a terrorist attack, except for the boy, who jumped out in time and watched hopelessly as his family got annihilated before his very eyes. Tammy took him in soon after, and, with the help of another fellow superhuman, they now work together in rescue operations using time-based anomalous power. While this enigmatic woman may have more street races behind her than she has ahead, she still has plenty of adventure left and plenty more miles on the clock.


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Azure-Nakesha's avatar

I definitely would like to hear more this story