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Deviation Actions
Horse: WW Deluxe Glowin Cowboy Crush
Rider: Shiloh Clearking
Shiloh walked out to the barn and tacked up Deluxe. She wanted to practice working barrels before it was too cold to want to go outside. Deluxe didn’t really wanna go outside either considering the temperature was dropping somewhat quickly and he was content in his warm heated barn.
She leaned down and opened the gate to the outdoor arena and walked him in. She dismounted, shut the gate and set up the barrels for a few quick runs. She got back on rubbing her hands together to get them warmed back up. She then turned deluxe in a circle and took off at a dead gallop thundering towards the first barrel barely keeping it from knocking over. The second barrel had some issues and they ended up knocking it over “It’s fine buddy” Shiloh sighed and continued toward the third and running home. “Your a tad bit rusty but it’s fixable with work ” she whispered to his ears. She completed a few more runs most had the same outcome so she decided to head back in. It was getting colder by the minute with the slight wind chill.
(Personal photo used as ref)
Rider: Shiloh Clearking
Shiloh walked out to the barn and tacked up Deluxe. She wanted to practice working barrels before it was too cold to want to go outside. Deluxe didn’t really wanna go outside either considering the temperature was dropping somewhat quickly and he was content in his warm heated barn.
She leaned down and opened the gate to the outdoor arena and walked him in. She dismounted, shut the gate and set up the barrels for a few quick runs. She got back on rubbing her hands together to get them warmed back up. She then turned deluxe in a circle and took off at a dead gallop thundering towards the first barrel barely keeping it from knocking over. The second barrel had some issues and they ended up knocking it over “It’s fine buddy” Shiloh sighed and continued toward the third and running home. “Your a tad bit rusty but it’s fixable with work ” she whispered to his ears. She completed a few more runs most had the same outcome so she decided to head back in. It was getting colder by the minute with the slight wind chill.
(Personal photo used as ref)
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© 2023 - 2025 0SoggyStoneAcres0
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