From Tang with love0OBluubloodO0 on DeviantArt

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From Tang with love



Qixiong Ruqun(High waisted ruqun) made by me.  
Photos by Sandra Wong.

For those of you who have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, this dress is one of the traditional Chinese attire of the extravagant Sui and Tang Dynasty era (581-907 AD), worn by the ethnic Han.

It is therefore one type of Hanfu, or the cultural attire of Han Chinese.

I felt honoured to be able to construct this attire according to historical evidence and research,something I've always wanted to do since the beginning of the year. 

Interesting notes of the Tang Dynasty:
- Import of Buddhism
- First(and only)female emperor in history
- Trade with foreign countries
- It was considered stylish for women to wear Hufu(clothing of the Western nomads) and to cross dress
- Marshmallow faces are beautiful (aren't they cuuuuuute????O(∩_∩)O~)
- Significant cultural influence towards nearby countries and states (eg. Japan, as seen in similarities between Tang Hanfu and the Kimono)




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