Forever Fountain00AngelicDevil00 on DeviantArt

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00AngelicDevil00's avatar

Forever Fountain



Another concept I made for THUNDER Throne Wars, our fantasy game development project. This scene represents the place where the two sides, Lighte (Kin) and Darke (Brood) meet. The camera is facing Kin, but the dead trees below show that Brood is behind us!

My task was to create a large valley with more layers of mountains in the background, a lake in the middle with an island of roots and a large tree in the middle of the lake (which will have a special role in the game), two paths around the lake that cross, a lush vegetation of high grass, trees and some alien plants, plus some dead trees below the camera that represent Darke. This came out.

Many thanks to my sweetie and Vue teammate :iconimuda1: for making the map that guided me through composing :heart:

Thanks to the texture filtering and atmo quality boost, this took almost 15 hours to render! :omfg:

Rendered in Vue 8 Infinite, minor postwork in PS CS4

Another concept for this project:

Thanks for viewing! :)
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1280x824px 443.92 KB
© 2010 - 2025 00AngelicDevil00
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Saboura's avatar
Beautiful landscape, love your composition with the light and the plants and the fog :)