Founded in 1901, University of Toronto Press is Canada’s leading academic publisher and one of the largest university presses in North America, with particular strengths in the social sciences, humanities, and business subject areas. UTP is widely recognized in Canada for its strength in history, political science, sociology, Indigenous studies, and cultural studies. Internationally, UTP is a leading publisher of medieval, Renaissance, Italian, Iberian, Slavic, and urban studies, as well as studies in book and print culture.
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Alles in Physik
Alles in Rechtswissenschaften
Alles in Sozialwissenschaften
Alles in Theologie und Religion
Newest titles
all subjects
Watching Women
Militant Suffragists Write the British Surveillance State, 1905–1924
The Inwardness of Things
Joseph Conrad and the Voice of Poetry
Fat and the Body in the Long Nineteenth Century
Meanings, Measures, and Representations
Digital News and HIV Criminalization
The Social Organization of Convergence Journalism
On Speaking Terms
Avoidance Registers and the Sociolinguistics of Kinship
Absorption Narratives
Jewishness, Blackness, and Indigeneity in the Cultural Imaginary of the Americas
Securing Canada’s Future
Vital Insights from Women Experts
Freedoms of Speech
Anthropological Perspectives on Language, Ethics, and Power
Guardians of the Community
The Block Parent® Program of Canada
A Time to Sow
Refusenik Life in Leningrad, 1979–1989
Relative Strangers
Romani Kinship and Palestinian Difference
Historical Consciousness and Practical Life
A Theory and Methodology
Other partner publishers
- Academic Studies Press
- Amsterdam University Press
- Association of Canadian University Presses
- Berghahn Books
- Boydell & Brewer
- Bristol University Press
- Central European University Press
- Channel View Publications
- Columbia University Press
- Cornell University Press
- Duke University Press
- Edinburgh University Press
- EDP Sciences
- Fordham University Press
- Gorgias Press
- Gütersloher Verlagshaus
- Harvard University Press
- Iberoamericana Vervuert
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
- Manchester University Press
- Multilingual Matters
- New York University Press
- Penn State University Press
- Princeton University Press