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Newest titles
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The Independence of the Prosecutor
Controversy in the Creation of the International Criminal Court
Pentecostal Preacher Woman
The Faith and Feminism of Bernice Gerard
Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage, New Edition
A Canadian Obligation
Hannibal Lokumbe
Spiritual Soundscapes of Music, Life, and Liberation
Styles for Flourishing
Histories of Survival in the Racial Niche
Gods in the World
Placemaking and Healing in the Himalayas
Killing the Elites
Haiti, 1964
Energy Citizenship
Coal and Democracy in the American Century
Home Truths
Fixing Canada's Housing Crisis
Feathered Entanglements
Human-Bird Relations in the Anthropocene
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- Fordham University Press
- Gorgias Press
- Gütersloher Verlagshaus
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- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Publishing
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
- Manchester University Press
- Multilingual Matters
- New York University Press
- Penn State University Press
- Princeton University Press
- Rutgers University Press