Press and Public Relations

The central task of press and public relations department is to prepare complex scientific topics in the field of bioenergy for media coverage and to communicate these comprehensibly to the various defined target groups. 

The Public Relations Department currently (status: 03/2023) consists of four employees. The main focus of the department's work is on the organisation and implementation of a wide variety of specialist and public events, press and media work, the implementation of scientific and popular scientific publications (annual reports, publication series, brochures, flyers, etc.), the maintenance of the website and the organisation of visitor management. As the central contact for the implementation of internal and external communication, the department also provides support in the area of internal quality management. Further information can be found in the Press and Media library section, on the Event Management pages as well as the visitors management.

General public relations work in the field of renewable energies is assigned to the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (Agency for Renewable Resources) and is therefore not part of the DBFZ's field of activity.



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