Research infrastructure

The DBFZ conducts mainly applied research in the field of energetic and integrated material use of biomass. 

Do you have questions about the individual test beds or are you interested in a research cooperation? Below you will find an overview of the facilities and the respective contact persons. You can also visit the DBFZ facilities on site. Please contact our visitor management for a tour of our facilities.

Biochemical Conversion Department

Research biogas plant

The DBFZ research biogas plant complements the spectrum of application-oriented research to improve the understanding of processes and to increase the efficiency of biogas production. The dimensioning of the fermenters allows experiments to be carried out on a technical scale, thus ensuring that the results can be easily transferred into practice. read more


Florian Geyer

Christian Krebs

Biogas lab

The equipment of the biogas laboratory is designed to simulate large-scale processes on a laboratory and semi-industrial scale with the corresponding accompanying analysis. The objectives are to optimise processes and to extend the basic understanding of the sub-processes of methane formation. For this purpose, extensive (continuous and discontinuous) test plants with reaction volumes between 0.25 and 500 litres and the research biogas plant are available. Read more


Katrin Strach

Greenhouse gas emissions from biogas plants

The Biochemical Conversion Department has an extensive range of measuring equipment for identifying diffuse methane emissions. These include an imaging process which can visualise methane losses in real time, a methane laser and various hand-held devices with which point sources of methane can be detected. Read more


Lukas Knoll

Thermochemical Conversion Department

Combustion technical centre

In the combustion technical centre of the DBFZ, experiments are carried out on raw or pre-conditioned biomass to investigate the thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. In addition, emissions and particle formation processes can be investigated. Read more


Michael Junold

Fuel technical centre

On the basis of extensive and recognised experience, the DBFZ's fuel technical centre and analytical laboratory carry out a wide range of tests and experiments. Read more


Dr. Claudia Kirsten

Biorefineries Department

Biorefineries technical centre

In the biorefineries technical centre of the DBFZ, essential process steps for the conversion of (aqueous) biomass streams into solid, liquid and gaseous bioenergy carriers as well as basic chemicals are investigated and further developed. For the investigation of hydrothermal processes (HTC/HTV), biomass gasification, gas purification and catalytic synthesis as well as various treatment technologies, a wide range of test rigs are available for research tasks and service contracts. Read more


André Hermann

Bioenergy Systems Department

Evaluation procedures and methods

The increasing competition for limited biomass resources as well as continuously rising and changing demands on economic and ecological performance lead to increasing pressure for innovation and optimisation for bioenergy plant operators. Read more


Stefan Majer

Scenario tool

The DBFZ Scenario tool provides an overview of 150 energy scenario studies and makes it possible, among other things, to better compare studies and identify gaps in bioenergy modelling.


Dr. Nora Szarka

Ressource data

The DBFZ operates a monitoring system and makes the latest data available free of charge in an online data repository.


Dr. Friederike Naegeli de Torres

Regionalised information

The DBFZ collects, analyses and makes available regionalised information, e.g. on the availability of raw materials and plant locations, in order to create synergies and avoid competing uses.


Dr. Friederike Naegeli de Torres


Bioenergy model

In cooperation with the UFZ, models are being developed for the cross-sectoral analysis of future relevant and optimal biomass use, with a focus on greenhouse gas reduction and costs.


Dr. Matthias Jordan
Danial Esmaeili Aliabadi
Mohammad Sadr

Knowledge transfer

Tools and formats of knowledge transfer are developed and tested for relevant scientific content, trends and findings from DBFZ projects.


Dr. Nora Szarka


Database/Research data

Quality assured data is the raw material from which DBFZ publications, reports and statements are produced. As part of their research and development activities, DBFZ researchers collect, research and acquire large amounts of data on the energetic and integrated material use of biogenic raw materials in the bio-economy. Research data


Dr. Torsten Thalheim

Analytical lab

In the analytical laboratory, liquid fuels, solid biofuels, biogas substrates, waste and residual materials and their conversion products, such as ashes, filter dusts and process water, can be characterised. Read more


Dr. Jana Mühlenberg
Igor Adolf

You are interested in a research cooperation with the DBFZ?
Please send us a message, we are looking forward to cooperate with you!

Your contact person: Mrs. Karen Deprie
Phone: +49 (0)341 2434-118

Send cooperation request