DBFZ Annual Report 2023 published
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Focus booklets published
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Junior research group – Simulation, monitoring and control of anaerobic processes
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Soil improvement in Ethiopia through the energetic and material use of agricultural residues
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Bioresources and hydrogen to methane as fuel
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Research data freely accessible in the DataLab
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DBFZ, the German Institute for Biomass Research

The DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH (DBFZ) is a federal institution founded in 2008 that conducts applied research into the energetic and integrated material use of biomass. The institution is represented by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. As of 12/2023, the DBFZ has 275 employees covered by collective labour agreements. The DBFZ is headquartered in Leipzig. The Supervisory Board of the DBFZ consists of representatives from five energy-related ministries (BMEL, BMUV, BMWK, BMBF, SMEKUL).

Mission Statement | Scientific assignment

Latest News

DBFZ Annual Conference 2024

What requirements can/must biomass fulfil?

Biomass is a special component of the national energy supply and plays a central role in the growing bioeconomy with increasing demand. At the annual conference of the DBFZ on 11/12 September, around 160 participants from science, industry and politics discussed the topic of ‘Multi-talented biomass: basic raw material, carbon source and energy option’.

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Knowledge and technology transfer

DBFZ opens scientific biomass laboratory at the University of Lomé in Togo

As part of the research project ‘Development of research activities and demonstration of technologies for the utilisation of biomass potentials in Togo’ (LabTogo) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), a complete biomass laboratory was set up at the Togolese University of Lomé and handed over to the university scientists.

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Staff change

Dr. René Backes takes over the DBFZ's "Bioenergy Systems" research department from Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän

Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän, who has been Head of the "Bioenergy Systems" research department for many years, will focus on her activities at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) with effect from 1 April 2024 and hand over the management of the DBFZ "Bioenergy Systems" research department to Dr. René Backes (formerly BASF)

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DBFZ Event
DBFZ Annual Conference 2024
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DBFZ Event
7th Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY
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KIDA-KON 2024 | AI for Research in Food, Agriculture and Environment
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DBFZ Events

11.09.2024, DBFZ | Leipzig

DBFZ Annual Conference 2024

The DBFZ invites you to the DBFZ Annual Conference 2024 in Leipzig. Current topics and projects will be presented and discussed as part of this series of events. The DBFZ's technical facilities and test benches will also be presented in guided tours.
To the event website
24.09.2024, DBFZ | Leipzig

7th Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY

Discover the transformative power of bioenergy and bio-based products to shape our sustainable future! From September 24 to 25, 2024, the DBFZ is organizing the 7th Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY AND BIOBASED PRODUCTS together with 47 renowned bioenergy scientists from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Norway as well as 38 research and higher education institutions. The event series was initiated as a platform for the further qualification…
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02.12.2024, DBFZ | Leipzig, Germany

KIDA-KON 2024 | AI for Research in Food, Agriculture and Environment

KIDA-KON aims to bring together stakeholders from the scientific and regulatory environment to discuss the challenges and opportunities of using artificial intelligence in the field of agrifood research. The conference is also intended to give young scientists in particular the opportunity to present their work and to network professionally.
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Tropical beach and forest with windmills

Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Despite a rapidly growing rate of photovoltaic and wind turbines within the global total primary energy supply, biomass remains the most important renewable energy source in the world, according to the IEA. However, the potential is limited...

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IEA Bioenergy

DBFZ @ IEA Bioenergy

The IEA Bioenergy is an organisation founded in 1978 by the International Energy Agency with the aim of improving international cooperation and the exchange of information on bioenergy research. The DBFZ is currently represented with several scientists in five tasks.

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Save the date

Bioenergy Status Conference 2023

The next Bioenergy Status Conference will take place in Leipzig from 20 to 22 September 2023. We look forward to welcoming new faces to our research network and to further developing alternative energy production from biogenic residues and waste materials together with you.

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Funding programm "Biomass Energy Use"
Funding programme

Project ideas wanted

Until 1 September 2022, 2pm new project ideas on the subject of bioenergy can be submitted within the framework of the 7th Energy Research Programme. Please note the new topics such as energetic sewage sludge utilisation, biofuels, biogenic hydrogen production, etc...

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