We care about the Environment

We pledge to offer products and services that contribute to sustainable development and are conducive to the minimisation of the environmental impact.
Our systematic actions and initiatives have yielded significant results, earning recognition and acclaim for the Organisation.

Zero Waste to Landfill

Zero Waste to Landfill" certificate

For the eight consecutive year, Cyta was awarded the “Zero Waste to Landfill” certificate! The certification is issued to businesses recycling more than 95% of their waste. In 2023, Cyta managed to reuse or recycle 98,46% of its waste.

Green offices

“Green Οffices”

Cyta has obtained Green Office certification for its 50 manned buildings. Among other things, the certification requires the application and maintenance of strict criteria related to the consumption of energy, water and paper, rationalised waste management, environmental education etc.

Δενδροφυτεύσεις για κάθε νέα σύνδεση Cytavision

Tree Planting for each new Cytavision Connection

In the context of the “Let’s Make Cyprus Green” initiative, we plant trees across various communities, in forest areas and municipalities, equivalent to 10% of new Cytavision connections.

"Golden protector of the environment" at the Pan-Cyprus Environmental Awards 2022 2023

Cyta was awarded for the fifth year as "Golden Protector of the Environment" in the 2023 Pan-Cypriot Environmental Awards competition for Organizations and Enterprises.

Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Good Practices Award


Honorary Award as "Business of the Year" for its Holistic Waste Management policy at the "Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility Good Practice Awards".

Five gold, one silver and two bronze awards at the "Cyprus Responsible Business Awards" competition


Five Gold in the categories Diversity, Inclusion, Equal Opportunities for the “Balancing Work and Family programms”, in Waste Management for “Holistic and structured waste management and certification as a Zero Waste to Landfill organization”, in Recycling for “Investing in the Future of Our Children with Respect for the Environment”, in Built Environment/“Green” Buildings for “Green Offices Certification of all staffed buildings and shops” and in Zero Waste for succeeding in being “the first organization in Cyprus with zero waste, receiving the “Zero Waste To Landfill” certification, for 6 years.
Cyta has also been awarded a Silver in the Volunteer Programme for Social Solidarity Programmes among Cyta staff.
Finally, two Bronze in the Other categories for the “1st Strategic Partner of the Cyprus Forest Association for the Protection and Upgrading of Biodiversity in Cyprus” and COVID-19 RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PLAN for “Cyta supported the society and its customers during the Covid19 Pandemic - Corporate Social Responsibility Actions and Measures to Fight the Coronavirus”.

Biodiversity is the variety of ecosystems, species and genes in the world or within a specific habitat. It is a factor of vital importance for the prosperity of humanity due to the ecosystemic services it provides, such as pollination, climate regulation, flood prevention protection, soil fertility and the production of food, fuel, fibers and medicines.

A Strategic Partner of the Cyprus Forest Association for the upgrade and protection of biodiversity in Cyprus, Cyta has adopted and endorses the following actions:

Actions to Protect Bats by installing an on-line camera system, restoring an abandonned mine tunnel in Troodos, and building and placing 35 Bat Boxes in parks, forests and residential areas.

Apoidea Park in the area of Athalassa Park, built by the Cyprus Forest Association with the support of Cyta. The protection of bees is of the highest strategic importance for the survival of the human species. The park’s area is approximately 2000 m2 and is located on state forestland. Apiculture varieties (trees, shrubs, flowers) have been planted in order to create a plantation with enough food for apoidea all year long.  A system of automatic irrigation has been installed in the plantation whereas a small pond, linked to the irrigation system, has already been built to provide various animals and birds in the area with water. There have also been installed bee shelters (insect hotels) within the area of the plantation as well as traditional beehives, the co-called tzivertia that are placed within the area of the plantation, thus preserving our tradition and also elevating the site to a pole of attraction for bees.



Together with BirdLife Cyprus, we Embrace Cyprus’s Swifts

Looking to secure safe nesting sites, BirdLife Cyprus has installed 30 artificial nests for swifts in five different CYTA buildings in Nicosia, Larnaka and Limassol. The nests are specially designed to attract swifts arriving in Cyprus.

Denigration and loss of biodiversity have become a global phenomenon; swifts are not left unscathed. The greatest adversities facing swifts are the intensification of agriculture, which reduces food availability (insects), as well as the loss of nesting sites. Unlike barn swallows, swifts do not build nests but instead perch in small holes under roofs, tiles or eaves, usually on old buildings. Given that these places have become scarce, the installation of artificial nests is intended to offset this loss amid the significantly declining number of swifts in Cyprus and other parts of the world.

Swifts arrive in Cyprus in early February  to nest. By the end of July they start flying back to Africa to hibernate.

Sending out a message to “Give life to your old mobile phone. Recycle it!” Cyta has launched a Programme to re-use and recycle mobile phones and other terminal equipment in special recycling bins installed at every CYTA shop and in our manned buildings. The re-using and recycling programme includes mobile phones along with their equipment and accessories (e.g. chargers, handsfree, car kits) and other terminal equipment (e.g. land-line and wireless phones, answering machines). The aim of the programme is, on the one hand, to raise awareness and encourage public participation in phone recycling and, on the other hand, to contribute to the protection of the environment but also of public health, endangered by uncontrolled waste disposal. https://www.cyta.com.cy/recycling.

In 2016 we created a model Environmental Corner at our Nicosia headquarters, equipped with all kinds of recycling bins available to the organisation’s personnel. The corner can accommodate recyclable waste such as glass, paper, PMD, cooking oil, clothing, electrical & electronic appliances, plastic bottle caps, batteries, light bulbs and pharmaceuticals.

Capitalizing on the warm reception of the Environmental Corner at our Nicosia headquarters, in 2021 we created an additional five Environmental Corners in the Organisation’s regional buildings in every province of the island, so that more members of our personnel can drop off their recyclables.

Περιβαλλοντική Γωνιά