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Crutchfield: The Podcast Ep. 28

Robin and Crutchfield's ReadyHarness service

In this episode:

J.R. interviews Robin, part of the team responsible for our ReadyHarness service. They chat about his work, the gear he loves, and some of his all-time favorite concerts. Plus, J.R. and cohost Eric react to a YouTube video review from Ryan at Silly Reviews — he purchased a car stereo for his Volkswagen Jetta and used a ReadyHarness wired by Robin!

Some of the gear discussed includes:

J.R. and Eric also preview the next and final episode of the season. They'll be answering listener questions, so be sure to submit yours — use the Comments below or email the team at

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Hello and welcome everybody to another episode of Crutchfield. The podcast. I am your host training manager J. R. Joined in quote unquote studio by eric how are you today sir? So that's what we're calling this mess. Yeah this is uh I just wanna I just wanna explain if you hear any weird sounds in this episode. It's because this is not an actual podcast studio. It's my office. It took many years but I have an office here at Crutchfield now it's in the basement. Yes it is. It's not very well insulated off from any other part of the building. You do not have a view of the trees or the squirrels. There's a there's a computer server room right next to me um that we had to go ask him to make it stop beeping. There's construction going on upstairs. You know with with so many people not in the building these days where Bill Crutchfield is taking full advantage and doing some renovations building video studios. I hope I hope at some point I get a podcast studio for now this is going to have to do. I've got to mix. They're mounted on tables that make a lot of noise. If you bang the table here bang your table. Yeah so if we accidentally bump our tables throughout this interview you'll know if the beeping in the server room comes back. You'll know if they start sowing into concrete upstairs. You'll know that just might have to be part of this episode. Well the good news is you know Crutchfield has been pretty busy lately and we're doing all this stuff to improve the facility. So, uh, there's a lot of good to be taken away from that. So I'm glad that this stuff is going on and, and it's all positive, it's the perfect time to do this kind of stuff again with so many people at home. All right enough of that. Let's talk about what's going on on the show today. Uh, this is pretty close to the end of what we call season two of Crutchfield, the podcast, we've, we've been having a lot of fun this season. We've had a lot of pretty cool guests and this is no exception. I'll be speaking with here in just a moment. You'll hear my interview with a guy named Robin. He works over in our warehouse, he's a team leader and he runs or helps run the department where they was that your watch, We prepared the listeners for all of the potential noises that could happen except for your watch. That's all I'm gonna say about that. You know, I'm not going to pick it up. I don't know this is a call. It's a look at your watch and it says fraud, not probably not gonna pick that up. So my special guest today is a guy named Robin, he works over in our warehouse. He works in the department we call ready harness. What is ready harness. Do you know? I do know, thanks for asking. Yeah, it's a really cool service that we offer, uh, that will hook vehicle specific harness is to aftermarket radio harnesses. So, um, you know, there's most of our customers have been doing that themselves now for for quite a few years. But You know, we, we found that that that's a bit much for some of our customers. You know, we crutchfield has always catered to the do it yourself. And I've been doing this job here at Crutchfield since 1996. And at the time there were harnesses that we gave out for vehicles they got, they needed to get connected to the harness that came with the radios. There was one brand Pioneer actually used to sell vehicle specific Pioneer harnesses. This was a product, we didn't make it, we bought it from Pioneer. So if you were putting a Pioneer stereo in your ford or your Chevy, you could buy the ford or Chevy version of a Pioneer harness for like 30 bucks and made made your installation much easier. But Nobody really makes that. Now, there's so many harnesses, way too many. You can have like one car that has 15 different options as far as the audio system, each of which can change that harness, safety features. Get wired in. Now there's there's a lot going on with those factory harnesses these days. So, you know, if we can, if we can shorten that process for our customers, a lot of them, a lot of them like that. Yeah, so instead of buying a pre made harness, we make them ourselves for customers that want us to do that. We call that service ready harness. It cost at the time of this podcast recording, it costs 24 99 by the way, prices are subject to change this service when it started off several years ago in its infancy, we had two people putting harnesses together. Now there is an entire room at the warehouse dedicated to this and all of the people that do it. And it's a pretty cool service. Crutchfield customers seemed to dig it. Uh if I look at the Crutchfield website at Crutchfield ready harness and look at the reviews, you know, reviews are a big deal, right? And reviews on lots of products are really helpful to customers to know whether the product will be right for them. Crutchfield ready harness has 3795 customer reviews. That's a lot for us. That's an absurd amount for country you have on anything. It's not uncommon to see, you know, 50 reviews. 20 100 even couple 100 very few products have more than 1000 much less. Almost 4000 reviews averaging 4.5 out of five stars. So people that buy it seem to love it because it really does make your installation a lot easier and you combine that with all the other cool stuff, we do like tech support, 60 day money back guarantee highly trained sales advisors. I know because I trained them. Uh great, pretty great website articles and videos. Really great videos, I know most of them. Amazing podcast. Yeah, yeah. And a lot of humility. A lot of humility. Yes. So that's who we're going to talk to you today. Robin, a team leader in already harness department. Um, I want to talk about what's coming up for Crutchfield the podcast. We have one more official season two episode. We're gonna do some special episodes like we did last winter. We'll have some stuff to get us through the holidays because we have stuff to talk about and we just got to get the word out there. We're gonna hopefully have some, maybe some special guests, some cool stuff happen. But the episodes won't be coming out quite as often during the winter months until 2022 when season three starts. But the last episode of season two, we are working on it right now and we, we would love, we would love to involve our listeners as much as possible. We know you're out there. We'd love to hear from you and we would love to answer your questions anytime we post like a video of a product or something, anytime we go live on our facebook live, we get comments from customers and it's almost always, hey, what stereo fits my 1997 Honda Civic and that's okay. We would love to answer that question on Crutchfield, the podcast and any other question you might have about any of our products. If you're considering what home theater stuff you want, what tv might be the best for you. Which drone? You should buy insta information about car stereos, speakers, amplifiers, subwoofers. If you're building a system and you're not sure what the next step is. If you want to know about a problem, if you're having an issue with your existing stereo, hit us up. We would love to talk about that on the show. It's pretty easy to do. Go to Crutchfield dot com slash podcast. You can submit a comment there or you can just email us straight up at podcast at crutchfield dot com. So it's easy to get your comment in and uh, we're gonna be looking at all of them. Every single comment that gets submitted, we will look at them all. And if we find some comments that we would, that we actually read on the air and talk about, we will, we'll send you a crutchfield t shirt there. It is just to clarify, you do have to live in the United States or Canada to get the t shirt, but we'll take questions from anyway. I think you're supposed to say that part really quickly. Oh yeah. In my quick small print, fine print voice T shirt offered only valid in the United States. Canada. Perfect, good, nailed it. That could work. All right. I say we uh, we shut our traps and be 18 or older. Nice. That's probably true actually. So we're gonna shut our traps and let let Robin do some talking. I had, I interviewed Robin, he sat right there in the chair you're sitting in right now. ErIC you're the second person to speak into that microphone. Pretty cool. Been a lot of time in between. So it's been sanitized. Nothing to work. Yeah. You never know. You never know. You can't be too careful. That's right. That's right. Better safe. Better safe than sorry. That's for sure. Alright, so here's here's Robin and me chatting it up about his journey to Crutchfield, ready harness and ERic and I may interrupt from time to time if we have something we think we need to say. Most of my job is teaching new sales advisors. So we talk about, you know, the 11 sort of like, gotta have them wires on every stereo, all your speaker connections, your power, your ground, uh switching constant power and ground. But then there's a lot more to it than that with a lot of radios these days with the parking brake and reverse wires and things like that. Uh So it's pretty normal, right? That you're hooking up more than just the basic number of wires. Oh yeah, there's some illumination wires too. Sometimes um there's power antenna wires, um, amplifier wires were wiring and sometimes that are part of the the actual harness inside the vehicle. And like you said, parking brake and reverse parking brake, um helps with everything on the screen most of your absolute work without it. We can wire that in or it is in the master sheets, locations of the wires, so you can just go ahead, fill it in and we'll give you the extension, it's 123. And we even give you instructions for the taps you're gonna need for that. Yeah. So what the customer ends up with is not only uh illustrated instructions for removing their radio and getting into the dash, but detailed instructions for all of the wiring they're gonna have to do. Exactly, yeah. And how often are you actually putting wires together for customers these days? I know you're a team leader now, but how often are you getting your hands dirty about like two days a week out of the five. And were you hired to do that job or were you hired for something else? No, I came in um working in the warehouse in general. I come from a history of warehousing and doing um like inventory, things like that. Um I switched over to that. It seemed pretty cool. Um It's something I've always done for years. Any car I've ever owned since I was I guess in my twenties. Late teens, I've always ripped whatever is in the car out and put in what I want. So you you have a personal passion for like car stereos and installations and all that. Oh yeah, that's, that's part of what like brought me here was like, oh, I can help sell the products and then I was just like, I can help build them. That was more leaning me towards that way. Dude, that's awesome. What kind of car do you drive now? Right now? I just have a simple car. I just have a little Hyundai accent. Um, and you've installed a stereo in there, I presume. Yes. Tell me about it. I put in the Alpine I. W 6 50. My gosh, how did you find one those things are next to impossible to keep in stock. Did you get one of those before the pandemic hit or? Yeah, okay. Just before I got lucky, they've been really hard to keep in stock. That's one of our most popular radios. Yeah, but you, so you have a, it's a double din, touchscreen, carplay, android auto, all that good stuff, pretty solid. Little radio. So, uh, one of the reasons I wanted you here, um, this all came about within the past few days training the training class. We were talking about ready harness and I did some Googling found some Youtube videos. I found our video where it's me on the video, talking about ready harness. Uh It's a short little minute video. But then right below that was this other video on youtube that seemed like a review of from some random person who had bought crutch from Crutchfield, a car stereo with ready harness. And so we watched it in training class and it was pretty cool. It was, it was a Youtube channel called silly reviews and uh, the guy in it was just gushing about how much he loved ready harness. Have you seen this video yet? I have, yeah, you have darn, I was so hoping to, to play it to spring it on you and play it for you and get your organic reaction because in it, he talks about you. Yeah, I was shocked to that one. I was going, I was randomly going through it because I was going through our own videos. Um, and I found that one and then I found out like a few others, I found another one for one of the guys in our department, which I still actually, I found it recently have to show him that, I mean that's kind of fun. Right? To take the video like that and to show one of your ready harness text that like you actually are connecting with a customer. Yeah, it was really cool. And it was actually a good um, training point, um, to the harness he had using, he had um, a separate plug coming off of it, which is only used if you're um, using steering wheel controls. His car must have not have had. And I saw him questioning that he goes, I don't know what this wires for. We didn't have a note for that that has since now changed. But those, we will mark that whole area of the harness not used. So if a customer is wondering, well, where the heck is my other thing that plugs in here? They're not actually using it? So that's like, that's great. So not only are you looking for just, hey, how how do customers like our product? Um, but you've learned how to make the product better from like just Youtube videos with showing people installing their stereos with radio. Alright. Eric, we should take advantage of an opportunity here because as you heard in this interview, Robin, the team leader that he is already saw the video. I was so hoping to reveal it to him. I was so hoping that he didn't know that there was a video on Youtube with a actual crutchfield customer raving about his service and he of course already seen it. I'm glad he did because it sounds like we actually made the service better because of some feedback from this video. That's right. Robin is out there looking for feedback from customers and that's why he saw this video. But you know, who hasn't seen the video yet. Yes. And so I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get somebody's organic reaction to their first time. Seeing this video where a completely unsolicited out. You know, third party buys buys a stereo buys already harness service and then basically un boxes and installs and talks about it along the way. This guy's name is Ryan. He's from a Youtube channel called silly reviews. Big shout out and thank you to Ryan for letting us play and talk about your video here in the episode. There will be a link to this video in the show notes on this episode. If you want to go watch it yourself right right now, ERIC, you've got it lined up, right? It's on your computer pulled up. We're about to increase his views by one as we speak. That's what's going to happen and you're gonna react to whatever you see here because it's a pretty fun little video. All right, go ahead and hit play eric and we'll see what happens. Ryan here for silly reviews. This review is going to be about crutchfield service called ready harness that's trademarked and how it worked out for me. How cool are, are boxes right out of the gate. I mean, there's so much, we could geek out just one so much right here inside of our boxes, how we have images that were actually like characters of actual employees, how we have a little no from them, how we have, when you get a crutchfield packages, peanuts in there. They're biodegradable. They're, uh, they're, they're environmentally friendly. That's the key. Uh, that's cool. We make the boxes as small as possible specifically for what we're shipping out so that we don't waste cardboard. So like we're thinking about a lot of things here. So I should probably hit play here. Let's do it so far. I like it. So I'm gonna give you some backstory on this. Uh That is the radio from my Volkswagen Jetta. What happened was I ended up having a battery, a car battery that would die every few days if I didn't use my car and I don't drive a lot. So that's the radio that I ordered from Crutchfield. You picking on me here because I had those issues recently? I know I had this all this was all set up before. You had any car battery problems. Eric do you need a new radio with some ready harness? Well, we do have some new hires that maybe need some extra tomorrow. Right? Maybe, maybe I could always use a new radio. Sure, I've got a pretty good radio in there now, but Alright, sorry, we're gonna keep on going. The reason why I purchased this radio is because they have a ready harness and it shows you who wired it up for you, Robin. So, I could basically just take out my old radio, use a Youtube video, figure out how to get it out and then basically just plug and play the new radio because I am not a radio scientist. I am not a wiring scientist. I have a little brother who's like a genius with this stuff. I am not, I love that. He admits he's not a radio, not radio scientist, he's gonna watch a youtube video to figure out how to take his car apart. He doesn't need to do that. He's got everything he needs right there in that box. I get it. Youtube videos are pretty amazing. There are also master sheets included in the email confirmation of this order with visible illustrated very clear, very specific instructions for how to get the radio out in, in his Volkswagen, that's included with every order. Like we'll show you where every like hidden screw would be. You know, it's all illustrated where to pop out the plastic, which kind of tool to use at different spots like all guarantee you those people that make Youtube videos showing how to take the car radio out. Used our master sheets to figure it out. That's probably, there's thousands of those, No kidding. Absolutely. Even for somebody like me who's not the most radio wiring harness inclined person paying the premium for the ready harness feature from Crutchfield is going to be totally worth it. If the radio would have cost me 80 bucks, you know, I end up paying almost double that, but it was worth it because you'll see just how easy it was to set up when he's talking about paying almost twice that if the radio was 80 bucks, he's talking about the kids and harnesses and then that ready harness service in addition, A lot of times folks, you know, if you're shopping for something, you kind of want to know what the package prices. The radio of course is part of that big part of that. However, getting it to work with your cars, electronics and fit in your car's dash. There's a, there's a price for that as well. The good news is that's often discounted by the time we're getting it to you, depending on the radio you buy, you might get like $50 off the cost of the installed gear. Uh, and then, uh, and then it's very reasonably priced for most cars. I will absolutely, you know, go to battle just saying, you know, we are the best value because of all those extra things that we, that we provide the tech support behind us knowing that it fits your car. The fact that you can call us, we have lots of folks pick up the phone and talk to you, help you out with it and make sure you hook it up correctly. There's just a lot of value that comes along with the purchase from us. We are the best. It's okay. We can say that. All right. I'm gonna play Robin's got my back. So there was not much to be intimidated about because once I took a look at everything, look how tight, look how good that is. What a great job. I didn't have to be intimidated because it all made sense. Had a big plug that's going to go there. Two small plugs. I'm gonna plug those in and then the radio should work. All right. I think you can actually stop it right there. I love the two different shoutouts that Ryan from silly reviews gives to Robin and it's a personal service. I mean, there was a human that took the harness out of Robin out of this customers radio that he bought and connected it. Robin spent time connecting it to the Volkswagen harness, which we have, uh, putting it together, writing out instructions for any additional wires that might need to be hooked up, uh, signing his name to it. And it's a, that's how personal this service is. It's, it's pretty impressive. I just, it blows me away. Uh, and clearly it blew this customer away and it's really cool. I'm really pleased he does a great job in the video. Um, and it's, it's neat to be able to see a customer interact with our gear as it shows up on his doorstep, Right? Like that's, that's unique. We don't get that luxury and a call center. Uh, very often to see the end result. Yeah, it kind of shows where all that hard work. You know, we've got the research staff, we've got the tech support staff. We've got the folks in the warehouse, we've got the ready harness folks, You know, a lot of work went in to making that happen. And uh, it's really neat to see how appreciative he is for that good stuff back to Robin. One of the reasons I wanted somebody from the warehouse on this show is because I, I picture working in the warehouse is like a job where you would almost have to have like a set of headphones or something, so you could just not have to listen to the sound of the conveyors all day. But I know there's safety issues with that. And you know, the point of Crutchfield, the podcast has talked is to talk to our employees about what Crutchfield products they've purchased and why they chose it and why they like it and what music are they listening to with it and all of that. Uh, so do you wear headphones when you're in there? Like wiring harnesses and working and stuff? I used to, yeah. Um, now it's a little tougher for me because I have to be, you know, hey Robin, I need help here and I'm running here and there. So, um, for me, I was a big, um, I'm a big like podcast listening, um, while I'm at work. Um, and then, um, audio books and stuff like that. So for me, I have to constantly keep pausing and pausing. It's a little tricky for me, but just about everyone in my apartment's got headphones on and whether it's like you said, it's podcast. Uh, you know, if they're using anything like audio books and then all different kinds of music that everyone's listening to? Sure. Is there a particular set of headphones that seemed to be the most popular for using in the warehouse? There is, I don't know the item number, but there's a particular Sony pair that we I think came in, I think probably last year the X. M. Four is the ones with the noise canceling. Yeah, they're noise canceling and then they've got the nice touch buttons so you can pause and a pause and everything like that. Um A lot of the crew uses those headphones. Yeah, I'm not surprised the noise canceling on those is hella good. Uh And so you and you wouldn't want that because if you're gonna hear the subtleties of an audio book or a podcast, it's not quite like music, right? Where you just kind of crank it up and it overcomes. But I mean if you want to hear spoken word stuff that you you can't just crank that up and it kind of ruins it. So you want to hear it at a regular volume and you've got to kill the noise around you. So I'm just gonna ask you and I don't know the answer normally when I do this show, I've talked to the person before we record and I'm like, all right, what have you bought recently that you wanted to talk about? That you love. Is there anything that fits that bill for you, Robin have you bought something recently or have even not recently that you want to talk about? I've done some smaller things recently that I bought, but nothing to talk about it. Like I got some stuff from my camera and everything like that. The last big purchase I did was to go back was to that Alpine, the I LX 6 50. absolutely love that radio. I've always kind of stuck to for me and it's just my personal preference. But I always like Pioneer and Alpine and I've always had one of those two in my car For, you know, 20 something years now. Um, that radio for, for the price point um, is, is pretty phenomenal before I had put the kicker speakers and I had just that radio in because I said, if I have and I'm putting this in now, I'm not waiting for the speakers. And I mean, even just what it did, um, to the sound quality of just the factory speakers was pretty good. The factory speakers I did have in there. I mean I put my finger right through them immediately. They were not very good, you know, but they actually did a pretty good job enhancing, um, the quality of what was in there. And then obviously when I put the kicker speakers in, I was like, oh yeah, this is much better. We get that question all the time from customers. Like what should I do to make my system sound better replace the speakers is what most people think, right? Because they know that when they turn their volume knob up on their factory radio doesn't sound great. You know, they start to hear distortion and stuff and they think these speakers aren't good enough when in reality it's usually that factor radio wasn't powerful enough. And so when you replace it with a lot of times people are replacing the radio just to get the cool new features like carplay and bluetooth and screens and back up cameras and all of that. And then they realized that that extra power in the radio powering even the junkie factory speakers, it's a huge difference. Just that extra power and that, I mean, I imagine that's what you experience when you replaced just the radio. Oh yeah, definitely. And then on top of that new speakers, I mean then you're just jumping up each time and you're just your drive to work has to be so much better as a result of that. Oh yeah. And now, like I said, now I'm thinking about putting a little lamp in there and that'll be my next, my next project probably in the fall. Alright. Eric, let's break in here for a second and talk about kicker as a brand, right? They make uh, amplifiers, subwoofers speakers, lots of really cool stuff. They're a major manufacturer of some pretty great 12 volt audio gear. Absolutely. And they're a great partner to crutchfield they are and you know, kind of a unique relationship and that, you know, many years ago, kicker came to us and we've gone and we've taken measurements of how deep and how wide, you know, speakers can be in cars. And they used that information to make sure the majority of their speakers fit in the majority of cars. And that's pretty cool that they came to us and we said, yeah, we want you guys to do awesome. And what you do, here's how we can help you. And then that helps us sell good speakers to our customers. It's actually one of our basic beliefs to maintain a mutually rewarding relationship with business partners that share our values and our desire to help customers and get customers the stuff they need And kicker clearly wanted to make their products more accessible to more people and if you can ensure that they're gonna fit more cars to do it well, that's just fantastic. And there, they're super flexible. They can work with a little bit of power or a ton of power. Um, it's just, it's really well, well, two vehicles, both of which fully outfitted with kicker speakers. There you go. There you have it, they sound great. They fit there awesome. That's kind of what you're looking for right back to the interview. What kind of a system do you have at home now? Like how do you listen to stuff at home at home right now. I just moved into a new place, so I don't have anything too fancy. Um, we have one of those big, like portable JBl s. Yeah, one of the big one, the Bluetooth speaker. One of the big boys though that we have. I think, I think it's almost like a rule that every Crutchfield employee probably has to have some sort of JBL bluetooth speaker because they have every different sort of size and shape and color and form factor. They have a speaker. I mean, they've got the ones to take to the beach there. Got one for your bike ride. They've got ones for if you're gonna go play golf, you can clip it onto the golf cart. I mean they've got a music solution for just kind of every walk of life. Oh yeah, waterproof speakers, everything. It's, it's super cool. Uh, when I first moved to Virginia, one of the guys I met at Crutchfield, he since moved on to another another job, but him and I used to go to and everything like that and that's what he had, he had one of those JBL waterproof speakers, he accidentally knocked that thing in the river didn't matter, still played. So if you're listening to music, not a podcast or an audiobook, but if you're going to throw some music on, like what's your go to my go to, I listen to, um, like the heavier stuff. Even still metal, hardcore punk rock, things like that. Yeah, favorite band. Favorite band um Would be a tie. Would be the deftones and the misfits. Okay. Yeah that's definitely that's punk. I'm not super familiar with either one other than I know that they're misfits I think of as a punk rock band. Yeah deftones also punk rock. Um Little bit of punk um Little bit of metal. They kinda they kinda weirdly do their own thing. There's even a little bit of like new wave mixed in there too. Which is also if I'm not listening to anything heavy lighter stuff, stuff like that. I like a lot of the old new wave that was big when I was a kid. Do you go to live concerts? We were gonna go see tool. We had seen tool um before the pandemic when they played out in Hampton. Um phenomenal that was my third time seeing them. We were supposed to go again. I think they were gonna come to think J. P. J. They were going to come to. That got canceled. Um so that was indefinite. So right now all of our stuff canceled. We're kind of waiting for stuff to come back. Um I know the deftones I think are coming to D. C. But it's pushed back to 2022 and they're coming with Gojira who's a really sick metal band. Yeah really really good band. I had I had tickets to two different concerts in early 2020 that got canceled for the pandemic. Uh And one of them has been rescheduled and I have re bought my tickets, so I'm pretty excited to go see the Dropkick Murphys in Richmond in august yeah, I've seen them live one time, it was outside at a ski resort in the winter, in at Snowshoe in West Virginia. It was kind of a weird place to see the dropkick Murphys, they're like, we've never played a show in west Virginia, much less at the top of a mountain in the middle of winter. Uh but it was a great show, but I want to see them in like, how you're supposed to see the Dropkick Murphys, I want to see him in a club, I want a mosh pit. Oh yeah, I would love to see them now, I saw them years ago, but they've added so much to their music, so much more of an element. They've added a lot of like the irish element into the music, I'd love to see them, like now I saw them years ago, um probably early two thousands, so it's been a long time since I've seen them, and they've added a lot, and as a band, they've obviously grown and gotten a lot bigger um and better and everything like that. I'd love to go see them because I grew up in new york, so I was new york city shows all the time. So I used to go to shows like that when CBgbs was still open, that was big for um the hardcore scene. It was big for punk when I was like to you for it. Um But when I got older in the nineties, that's where all these big time, like hardcore bands would play all the time. That is a time and place. I would love to have grown up in $55 matinee, you get like 67 bands for five bucks. Yeah. Yeah, that's fantastic. Uh Where, where in new york did you live? I grew up on Long Island. Um Gold Coast, which is like the North shore um just outside of queens. Yeah, I grew up in a little pocket, if you ever read the Great Gatsby West Egg is one of the villages in the town. I grew up in East Egg is one of the villages on the next peninsula over where the town that I lived in after high school. How did you get from there? To Virginia from here? I used to vacation here for about about 15 years. I'd be coming down. I would come down to central Virginia area. Um Not so much in Charlottesville. I went out to like nelson a lot. Um I'm not a big drinker per se, but I do like um craft beer. I like to, you know, like do like the samplers and stuff like that. Um A lot of that kind of stuff. So there's, well you're in the right place in Charlottesville because there's always surrounded by craft breweries, I mean, they're just, they're everywhere and they were starting to pop up. I remember here in Charlottesville, so I wouldn't spend too much time here, but they had the whole bunch of about 51 in nelson and then a lot of the breweries come with really awesome food and the views are beautiful, so, and then I just kind of decided to, to heck with it. Um I had a friend of mine that I grew up with that had been living down here as well, who I would stay with out in nelson County and um she said to me, why don't you just come down here? I was working in midtown Manhattan for a few years and just kind of, I mean, I always loved new york city, um it's an amazing place. Um but I just wanted something a little more quiet, so she's like, why don't you come down here and stuff like that, and I'm like, all right, let's keep looking. I'm like, let me see what's down there. And without even thinking, I said, like, look how I'm like, Crutchfield down here knew the company um through my oldest brother, that's the same thing, He would tear everything out of the car, that's where I got that from, he would buy the stereo's there um when christmas would roll around stuff like that. Um If I had a new car and was like, what do you want? And I'm like you know I want this, I want that. You know some of the I mean even some of the old stuff I had I can't remember all the part numbers but like some of those old like some of Sony's were good too. I had like an old Sony like M. E. X. Something or other. That was like maybe an E. S. Model of Sony. Yeah it was probably about 2005. I had that in my old Xterra. Great great radio and that was just at the time was singled in. I didn't you know it wasn't fancy with the nav and everything like that. I just I'm like play C. D. S. You know and that was and that was all I needed. I had my cd book next to me. But I remember I still remember the catalogs coming. They would come from my brother. You know my my oldest brother is a bit older than me, he's 53. Um So I mean he he shot the catalog in the eighties and stuff like that I believe. So I was familiar with it and I was just like well I was just like warehousing, warehousing or what I do and I was just like I'll take a shot see if I get the job. And sure enough that was it and um put in two weeks in my old job and packed everything up and and so how how weird was it going from living in new york area to living in rural Virginia, just like sleeping at night without all the noises around and stuff like that. It was relaxing actually. It was, it was really easy. I'm a big people are beach people, mountain people. I do love the beach but I love the mountains. So it's just kinda nice. I can just walk out where I live. I can walk outside of my apartment and I'm just surrounded by mountains like not even a half hour from one of the entrances of Shenandoah National Park going there and that's something new I'm trying to get into is a little bit of photography and stuff like that. Um I have an old hand me down right now that I'm using eventually. That would probably be my next big purchase. Yeah, you mentioned it kind of casually earlier. I was gonna circle back and ask you about that. So you are getting it. Getting into photography. Yeah. I'm like really enjoying it. I kind of like um like the landscape photography and everything like that. Perfect place to do landscape photography. Yeah, we got some nice nice scenic views around here for sure. Oh yeah and I'm gonna take I'm gonna try to work on it while um I'm going, I'm going away tomorrow. Um I'm doing a week long trip with the Dakotas touching a little bit of Minnesota and touching a little bit of Wyoming. So let me see if I can get any better with the camera. And I think when I get to a point where I can get really good at it, then I want to get something like new and nicer than what I have. Nice. What are you using now? What's the hand me down? You got handed down? It is, I assume it's like a full size DSLR. Yeah, it's a DSLR, it's not that old, it's probably about like five years old and you got a couple lenses with it. It's what is it? Like an icon? It's like a D. I'm so bad with remembering this thing. It's like a d like 24 26 or something like that. It is something we used to sell here. But I mean obviously it's just, it's just an older model now. Um But I think when I perfect that and I'm actually like looking at my photography and I actually like it. Then I'm gonna go, yeah, go to the next thing. Yeah. That's awesome. Photography is so fun to get into. But yeah, you've got to, you've got to do it. You gotta take a ton of pictures and you can do that. Like never before like with digital photography now. Have you taken any like classes and photography or you just gonna still sort of learn on the fly or how you doing that, learn on the fly and then um just some advice from friends that I know that do photography. Um and then I got a friend back home who I used to work with in my old job in new york. He's uh, he helps a lot, He's actually um, he does model photography, but he's a professional photographer now he left the job and started his own photography business. So sometimes when I have to ask a question for him, he's really good with um, since he's um taking photographs of people, you have to be really, really sharp with the lighting. So any lighting questions I have, like, he's my, he's my guy. I can just turn to him, shoot him a text. It's good to have a guy. Yeah, no doubt. I was really excited to talk to you about ready harness so that we could describe what that is to listeners of our podcast. I don't know that. We've done that yet on any of our episodes. We might have mentioned it here and there, but to hear from somebody who's actually doing the work wiring, the radios, coaching the people training the people that wire the radios. Uh customers absolutely love what you guys do. It's a, it's a heck of a service. Thank you for doing it. Thank you for being on the show and tell me all about it. Oh yeah, no problem at all. I love what I do. So thanks for having me. This is a lot of fun, awesome. So that was my interview with Robin from Ready harness. So eric, you noticed something in the interview. We didn't really discuss how we make the connections. Like what is the actual method we use to connect the new radios harness to the vehicle specific harness. We don't solder those wires that would take way too long. We don't just take them out electrical tape and twist and pray. No black tape involved. We don't, we don't use little wire nut, twisty things. We use a commercial grade. I guess you'd call them either like a barrel connector or a butt connector, butt connectors. More fun to say. So that yeah, there's something to it and we use a pneumatic device, air powered crimping, like commercial grade crimping machines. So when, when the guys take these wires, they put them in the connectors, they put them in the crimping machines, they hit the little foot pedal, It crimps them down. Those wires are not coming apart. Absolutely. You don't want to come apart. You don't have to take that dash apart again if you don't have to. Alright, let's wrap this thing up, eric, this has been a pretty fun episode. It was fun talking to Robin. So a big shout out to him for joining me taking some time out of his day. He actually came in into the Office here to interview like the day before he was going on vacation. Like we barely caught him in time to get this episode out. So thanks to Robin. Thanks for the guy at silly reviews, Ryan for doing a silly review. Thanks to the band, big for the theme music. Uh, and just a last reminder here that if you want to be a part of this show, uh, next episode, season two, episode number 12, we are looking for your question. So podcast at crutchfield dot com, would the email address or crutchfield dot com slash podcast? You can submit your questions there, questions about anything. Crutchfield sells, anything at all. We would love to address it. And if we use your question on the air and you happen to live in the United States or Canada, we will send you a crutchfield t shirt 18 or over. Thank you. There's, I think lawyers are happy now. Uh, and so big shout out to you listeners. We see the numbers going up. We're super excited to make a season three and some bonus episodes. We've got one more to do in this season. So thanks for hanging with us. We'll see you here next time.

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