
At Cruse Bereavement Support, we have evaluated our recently ran projects and have published the findings. Please click on the links below to select an evaluation to read.

Connecting Communities

We worked with Cruse Scotland and Co-op to launch a partnership to explore ways in which we can engage with local communities to help them be as equipped as possible to support community members following a bereavement. Please read the document below for a review of the project.

Outcomes for Bereaved People

This report, written in partnership with Birmingham University, shows how our services make a tangible difference to the lives of bereaved people.  Data from clinical outcomes measures is examined, and clearly indicates that both our telephone and in-person support helps people feel more enabled and able to cope with their life, following the death of someone close.

Somewhere for Us

The Somewhere for Us project provided a healthy emotional outlet for feelings children and young people experienced after bereavement.  The support provided helped many overcome the challenges they faced. Read the evaluation from the project in the document below.


Listening Labs for Young People

We worked alongside independent evaluators, Participation People, to tap into the stories shared by young people with lived experience of bereavement. Young people were invited to share their personal experiences of loss and coping and describe what good bereavement services should look like.  This has helped us shape our services at Cruse.

Youth Bereavement Assets

This piece of work was also undertaken with Participation People, to help us better understand the resources bereaved young people need, to help them be informed of how to cope when grief is experienced.  This report is a summary of their recommendations.

Together in Force 2023

We trained many volunteers and staff within military and veterans support services, to have compassionate conversations about bereavement and grief.  This is a report on the outcomes from this training, shedding light on how services can be enabled to support grieving people where they are at.

More than words

More Than Words, supported by the Co-op and British Red Cross, provided the opportunity for bereaved people to be trained as More Than Words Champions to run peer activity groups that help bereaved people engage with each other, with an emphasis on developing social connections and friendships.  We commissioned Qa Research to carry out an independent evaluation of the More Than Words project.


Early Intervention Project

This report is a full evaluation of the Early Intervention Project, which was a specific service to explore how complicated grief could be detected as early as possible.  This early detection and the support that followed showed considerable positive outcomes.  These are detailed in this report.