We, heads of state and government:

Recognizing that unprecedented adverse climate impacts are increasingly threatening the resilience of agriculture and food systems as well as the ability of many, especially the most vulnerable, to produce and access food in the face of mounting hunger, malnutrition, and economic stresses;

Recognizing the profound potential of agriculture and food systems to drive powerful and innovative responses to climate change and to unlock shared prosperity for all;

Underscoring the need to progressively realize the right to adequate food in the context of national food security as well as the need to ensure access to safe, sufficient, affordable, and nutritious food for all;

Noting that agriculture and food systems are fundamental to the lives and livelihoods of billions of people, including smallholders, family farmers, fisherfolk and other producers and food workers;

Noting the essential role of international and multi-stakeholder cooperation, including South-South and Triangular cooperation, financial and funding institutions, trade, and non-state actors in responding to climate change;

Reaffirming our respective commitments, collective and individual, to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, and the Sharm El Sheikh Joint Work on implementation of climate action in agriculture and food security; as well as noting the UN Food Systems Summit;

Recalling also the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, acknowledging that they are the primary international, intergovernmental forums for negotiating the global response to climate change;

Recalling the findings of recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments as well as noting the Synthesis report by the co-facilitators on the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake;

We stress that any path to fully achieving the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement must include agriculture and food systems.

We affirm that agriculture and food systems must urgently adapt and transform in order to respond to the imperatives of climate change.

We declare our intent to work collaboratively and expeditiously to pursue the following objectives:

1. Scaling-up adaptation and resilience activities and responses in order to reduce the vulnerability of all farmers, fisherfolk, and other food producers to the impacts of climate change, including through financial and technical support for solutions, capacity building, infrastructure, and innovations, including early warning systems, that promote sustainable food security, production and nutrition, while conserving, protecting and restoring nature.


2. Promoting food security and nutrition by increasing efforts to support vulnerable people through approaches such as social protection systems and safety nets, school feeding and public procurement programs, targeted research and innovation, and focusing on the specific needs of women, children and youth, Indigenous Peoples, smallholders, family farmers, local communities and persons with disabilities, among others;


3. Supporting workers in agriculture and food systems, including women and youth, whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change, to maintain inclusive, decent work, through context-appropriate approaches which could include increasing, adapting and diversifying incomes;


4. Strengthening the integrated management of water in agriculture and food systems at all levels to ensure sustainability and reduce adverse impacts on communities that depend on these inter-related areas;


5. Maximize the climate and environmental benefits - while containing and reducing harmful impacts - associated with agriculture and food systems by conserving, protecting and restoring land and natural ecosystems, enhancing soil health, and biodiversity, and shifting from higher greenhouse gas-emitting practices to more sustainable production and consumption approaches, including by reducing food loss and waste and promoting sustainable aquatic blue foods;


To achieve these aims - according to our own national circumstances - we commit to expedite the integration of agriculture and food systems into our climate action and, simultaneously, to mainstream climate action across our policy agendas and actions related to agriculture and food systems.

In fulfilling this commitment, by 2025 we intend to strengthen our respective and shared efforts to:

1. Pursue broad, transparent, and inclusive engagement, as appropriate within our national contexts, to integrate agriculture and food systems into National Adaptation Plans, Nationally Determined Contributions, Long-term Strategies, National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, and other related strategies before the convening of COP30.

2. Revisit or orient policies and public support related to agriculture and food systems to promote activities which increase incomes, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and bolster resilience, productivity, livelihoods, nutrition, water efficiency and human, animal and ecosystem health while reducing food loss and waste, and ecosystem loss and degradation.

3. Continue to scale-up and enhance access to all forms of finance from the public, philanthropic and private sectors - including through blended instruments, public-private partnerships and other aligned efforts - to adapt and transform agriculture and food systems to respond to climate change.

4. Accelerate and scale science and evidence-based innovations - including local and indigenous knowledge - which increase sustainable productivity and production of agriculture and related emerging domains, promote ecosystem resilience and improve livelihoods, including for rural communities, smallholders, family farmers and other producers.

5. Strengthen the rules-based, non-discriminatory, open, fair, inclusive, equitable and transparent multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization at its core.

With seven years remaining to achieve our shared goals, we intend to strengthen collaboration among our respective ministries - including agriculture, climate, energy, environment, finance, and health - and with diverse stakeholders to achieve the objectives and efforts articulated in this Declaration, and as appropriate within our national contexts.

To maintain momentum, we intend to benefit from relevant regional and global convenings in order to share experiences and to accelerate national and collaborative action. We will review our collective progress next year at COP29 with a view to considering next steps in 2025 and beyond.


1. Republic of Albania
2. Principality of Andorra
3. Republic of Angola
4. Antigua and Barbuda
5. Republic of Argentina
6. Republic of Armenia
7. Commonwealth of Australia
8. Republic of Austria
9. Republic of Azerbaijan
10. Commonwealth of the Bahamas
11. Kingdom of Bahrain
12. People’s Republic of Bangladesh
13. Barbados
14. Republic of Belarus
15. Kingdom of Belgium
16. Belize
17. Republic of Benin
18. Kingdom of Bhutan
19. Bosnia and Herzegovina
20. Federative Republic of Brazil
21. Negara Brunei Darussalam
22. Republic of Bulgaria
23. Burkina Faso
24. Republic of Burundi
25. Republic of Cabo Verde
26. Kingdom of Cambodia
27. Canada
28. Republic of Chad
29. Republic of Chile
30. People’s Republic of China
31. Republic of Colombia
32. Union of the Comoros
33. Republic of Costa Rica
34. Republic of Côte d’Ivoire
35. Republic of Croatia
36. Republic of Cyprus
37. Czech Republic
38. Kingdom of Denmark
39. Commonwealth of Dominica
40. Dominican Republic
41. Republic of Ecuador
42. Arab Republic of Egypt
43. Republic of El Salvador
44. Republic of Equatorial Guinea
45. Republic of Estonia
46. Kingdom of Eswatini
47. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
48. European Union
49. Republic of Fiji
50. Republic of Finland
51. Republic of France
52. Republic of The Gambia
53. Federal Republic of Germany
54. Republic of Ghana
55. Hellenic Republic (Greece)
56. Grenada
57. Republic of Guatemala
58. Republic of Guinea
59. Republic of Guinea-Bissau
60. Republic of Honduras
61. Hungary
62. Iceland
63. Republic of Indonesia
64. Ireland
65. State of Israel
66. Republic of Italy
67. Jamaica
68. Japan
69. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
70. Republic of Kazakhstan
71. Republic of Kenya
72. Republic of Kiribati
73. State of Kuwait
74. Kyrgyz Republic
75. Republic of Latvia
76. Republic of Lebanon
77. Kingdom of Lesotho
78. Republic of Lithuania
79. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
80. Republic of Madagascar
81. Republic of Malawi
82. Malaysia
83. Republic of Maldives
84. Republic of Mali
85. Republic of Malta
86. Islamic Republic of Mauritania
87. Republic of Mauritius
88. United Mexican States
89. Federated States of Micronesia
90. Republic of Moldova
91. Principality of Monaco
92. Mongolia
93. Montenegro
94. Kingdom of Morocco
95. Republic of Mozambique
96. Republic of Nauru
97. Nepal
98. Kingdom of the Netherlands
99. New Zealand
100. Republic of Nicaragua
101. Federal Republic of Nigeria
102. Niue
103. Republic of North Macedonia
104. Kingdom of Norway
105. Sultanate of Oman
106. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
107. Republic of Palau
108. State of Palestine
109. Republic of Panama
110. Independent State of Papua New Guinea
111. Republic of Peru
112. Republic of the Philippines
113. Republic of Poland
114. Portuguese Republic
115. State of Qatar
116. Romania
117. Russian Federation
118. Republic of Rwanda
119. Saint Kitts and Nevis
120. Saint Lucia
121. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
122. Samoa
123. Republic of San Marino
124. Republic of Senegal
125. Republic of Serbia
126. Republic of Seychelles
127. Republic of Sierra Leone
128. Republic of Singapore
129. Slovak Republic
130. Republic of Slovenia
131. Federal Republic of Somalia
132. Republic of Korea
133. Kingdom of Spain
134. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
135. Republic of the Sudan
136. Republic of Suriname
137. Kingdom of Sweden
138. Swiss Confederation (Switzerland)
139. Syrian Arab Republic
140. Republic of Tajikistan
141. Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
142. United Republic of Tanzania
143. Kingdom of Thailand
144. Republic of Togo
145. Kingdom of Tonga
146. Republic of Tunisia
147. Republic of Türkiye
148. Turkmenistan
149. Republic of Uganda
150. Ukraine
151. United Arab Emirates
152. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
153. United States of America
154. Oriental Republic of Uruguay
155. Republic of Vanuatu
156. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
157. Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
158. Republic of Yemen
159. Republic of Zambia
160. Republic of Zimbabwe

Other Endorsements

  • Montserrat
  • Virgin Islands