Complaint Processing and Dispute Resolution Process
Complaint Processing and Dispute Resolution Process
Complaints and Disputes

Complaint Processing and Dispute Resolution Process

If something doesn't look right on your Equifax credit report, please start by letting us know here. We will work with you to investigate and update your credit report as applicable. 

If you have a concern with how Equifax Canada responded to your request to exercise any of the rights listed here, please enter information about your complaint here. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, the matter can be escalated to the appropriate individual(s) in charge of complaint handling within our organization for a final determination.

Equifax takes all complaints seriously and endeavours to respond promptly.

If you still remain dissatisfied with the resolution proposed and/or with the handling of your complaint itself, your complaint may be eligible for review by an appropriate provincial authority. For information, click here.

Québec Residents

Equifax manages Québec consumer Complaints in accordance with the requirements of the Québec Credit Assessments Agent Act (“Act”) and the Guidelines applicable to Credit Assessment Agents (“GCAA”) issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”). The Equifax Policy for Québec Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution defines a Complaint as: any reproach or dissatisfaction in respect of a practice related to the obligations of Equifax outlined in the Act and GCAA, communicated by any person, regarding a record that Equifax maintains.

In other words, a Complaint under the Act and GCAA must be related to dissatisfaction or challenges with execution of one or more of the rights granted to consumers under the Act, which include the ability to:

Equifax does not consider the following types of requests as Complaints under the Act and such requests are not subject to the specific steps outlined below for qualifying Complaints: 

  • A request for information about an Equifax product or service;
  • Billing or other issues related to paid Equifax products or services;
  • An initial request for a copy of an Equifax credit report; 
  • A request for access or rectification made in accordance with applicable privacy legislation, including the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector;
  • An initial request for the correction of a consumer's credit report (i.e., dispute); 
  • Dissatisfaction around the calculation and/or outcome of Equifax credit scores; and
  • General comments or feedback about Equifax.

The Equifax process for examining a qualifying Complaint is outlined below.

1. Receive

Equifax provides Québec residents the opportunity to submit Complaints, free of charge. Please identify your request as a Québec Complaint and use one of the following options to send it to Equifax, along with supporting documentation. More information on the required documentation is available here

  • Online
  • Phone: 1-800-465-7166
  • Postal Mail

You can download a form here to print and mail or you can describe your Complaint in writing and send it to us at: 

Equifax Canada Co.
National Consumer Relations
Quebec Complaint
Box 190
Montreal, Quebec H1S 2Z2

Please be sure to include all supporting documentation, as well as the required identification so we can process your Complaint.

2. Acknowledge

Equifax provides written acknowledgement to you within ten (10) business days of receipt. The acknowledgement includes the following:

  • A Complaint reference number;
  • The date the Complaint was received;
  • The name and contact information of the Worker in charge of examining the Complaint;
  • Information about Equifax's Complaint handling process, including expected timeframes for review and resolution;
  • If applicable, the components of the Complaint that apply to Equifax and the components that apply to another institution(s); 
  • If needed, a request for additional information in order to examine the Complaint; and
  • Information around your right to request that Equifax transfer your Complaint to the AMF directly if you are not satisfied with Equifax's response.

Equifax takes your privacy and security seriously and may require you to verify your identity in order to provide you service. 

3. Respond

Equifax examines each Complaint and determines the appropriate resolution and response, as applicable. The final written response is sent to you within 30 days of receipt of the Complaint. The final written response includes the following:

  • A statement indicating that it is a final response; 
  • A summary of the Complaint;
  • The outcome of the Complaint, including any analysis and reasoning for the outcome;
  • If a resolution is identified, the time period that the consumer has to assess and respond to the proposed resolution;
  • Information regarding your rights to have your Complaint transferred to the AMF; and
  • The contact information for the Complaints Officer. 
4. Transfer

In the event that you request your Complaint be transferred to the AMF, Equifax provides all information related to the Complaint to the AMF via the AMF's designated platform within fifteen (15) days of your request. Equifax also provides contact details of the Québec Complaints Officer to the AMF within 10 days, upon request.

5. Register

Equifax maintains a registry of all Complaints that includes the number of Complaints received and processed, types of Complaints, outcomes of Complaints, and common causes of Complaints. Equifax provides a written report to the AMF once per calendar year.

Equifax retains the Complaint registry and associated documentation in compliance with its Global Records Retention Policy. Equifax prides itself on being a trusted steward of personal data and we are committed to protecting the personal data that we collect, use, disclose, and store. Additional privacy and security information is available in the Equifax Canada Privacy Policy.