Watch-Together Apps and Websites
Watching a movie with friends and family is always a fun experience. But what if you live in a different place from your best movie buddy? For people who are social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic, getting to the same place to watch something together isn't always possible. Those who want to share a family movie night or watch Netflix with friends in a different place might be turning to one of these apps and sites. Some of the tools on this list are meant for gaming, so you may need to tweak the settings to set it up to stream a film. Others are iffy for kids to use alone or hard for anyone to use in general. But with parental supervision and some playing around with the features, they can be a useful way to enjoy a virtual hangout. Note that while all of these can be used for watching things together, not all of them meet our editors' highest standards. For more ways technology can bring people together, check out these Multiplayer Apps.