Kids’ Online Safety and Privacy Protections Take Major Step Forward in U.S. Senate

Common Sense Media
Thursday, July 25, 2024

WASHINGTON, July 25, 2024 — Historic kids' online safety and privacy protection legislation cleared a major hurdle today as the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to advance the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act (S. 2073). With today's huge procedural vote in favor of the bill, final passage is now expected on Tuesday, and attention will immediately turn to passing the measure in the House of Representatives.

The bill, also known as KOSPA, represents Common Sense Media's top federal legislative priorities for years in a Congress that has, until today, refused to take significant action to protect kids' online safety and privacy. The bill would require social media and gaming companies to design their platforms to prioritize children's and teens' safety and privacy over company profits, forcing them to change design features that maximize kids' engagement, often at the cost of children's well-being.

Common Sense Media Founder and CEO, James P. Steyer, issued the following statement.

"This is a very big deal. Families have waited too long already for Congress to regulate social media to protect kids and teens and to better safeguard their privacy, but, with today's vote in the Senate, we are finally seeing real and desperately needed action. We deeply appreciate the leadership and support of Majority Leader Schumer, Chairwoman Cantwell and Ranking Member Cruz, and Sens. Blumenthal, Blackburn, Markey, Cassidy and others who made today's big win possible.

"The overwhelming vote in favor of advancing the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act sends a clear message that the Senate has finally listened to parents and advocates from across the country and will almost certainly approve this bill next week. The House of Representatives will now be under enormous pressure to pass this bill as well when it returns from its August recess. Because here's the truth: social media companies will not protect kids' online safety and privacy unless lawmakers force them to do it. Congress must pass this bill to protect the mental health of young people across the nation and make the internet healthier and safer for every child and teen.

"Alongside hundreds of other advocacy organizations and experts, Common Sense has been pushing for years on behalf of children who have experienced the many devastating harms of social media use and have had their personal data exploited. We've been pushing to update the existing but outdated children's federal privacy law since at least 2012, and we have backed the online safety measure since it was introduced in 2021, after Congressional hearings from Big Tech CEOs, whistleblowers, non-profits, parents, and youth. Congress cannot kick the can down the road any longer – after the Senate completes this bill next week, the House must follow suit and Congress will then and once and for all be able to proudly say that it has finally taken meaningful action to protect America's children, teens, and families."

For more information on KOSPA, please see here.


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