Key California Senate Committee Approves Bill to Hold Social Media Platforms Accountable for Harming Kids and Teens

AB 3172 Passes Senate Appropriations Committee with Bipartisan Vote but Includes Questionable Amendments; Other Bills that Support Children’s Online Protections Also Pass

Common Sense Media
Thursday, August 15, 2024

SACRAMENTO, Aug 15, 2024 — Today, the California Senate Appropriations Committee voted to pass AB 3172, critical legislation to help families hold social media companies financially liable when they fail to exercise ordinary care toward children under the age of 18. Sponsored by Common Sense Media, the bill stipulates specific monetary awards for online harms to minors that are proven in court.

In response, Common Sense Media Founder and CEO, James P. Steyer, issued the following statement:

"We are pleased that this bill was approved by the Appropriations Committee and will get a chance for a vote on the Senate floor, but we need to look more closely at changes made in the committee to see how they affect the online protections that kids and teens so desperately need. The devil is in the details, and children can't afford partial or conditional protection from the serious harms of social media.

"AB 3172, as it was written, addresses the scrutiny that social media companies are rightfully facing over the ways in which their design features and practices exacerbate America's youth mental health crisis. Combined with today's passage of other online safety legislation (Sen. Skinner's SB 976 and Asm. Berman's AB 1831), California is showing that protecting our youth is not a partisan issue but a shared responsibility. In New York, we have supported similar legislation to SB 976, which was just signed into law in June, and will continue to help California push for more accountability from Big Tech.

"We are now looking forward to the next critical step: the consideration of these bills on the floors of both the Assembly and State Senate. We remain committed to seeing these protections through to enactment, ensuring that our children have a safer and healthier online experience."

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