Parents' Guide to


Movie PG-13 2024 117 minutes
Twisters Movie Poster: Three people look at a large tornado in the distance

Parents Say

age 11+

Based on 26 parent reviews

Parent Reviews

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age 12+

Fantastic movie but avoid previews if you bring kids

The movie was great! BUT....I'd avoid the previews. Two rated R previews and 1 specifically freaked even me out! My 11 almost 12 yr old daughter had her eyes covered the whole time and was horrified with what she heard. Whyyyyyy put those in a pg 13 movie??!!

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6 people found this helpful.
age 12+


Our family has not been to the theater in some time because we found the content was not in sync with our values. However, the family really wanted to see this movie so we did and I am so happy we went. What a refreshing change. Aside from some swearing we weren't too happy about (which was much less than the original), this movie was a drastic change from what seems to have become the new normal. The plot was very similar to the original movie and there was more action in this one. Finally a great family movie worth seeing.
3 people found this helpful.
age 8+

Amazing film!

Twisters is a fantastic follow up of the 1996 film Twister. The two have little to no connection—-besides Dorothy, which is the only thing that really links it to the other movie. The main character, Kate, is a very smart, interesting protagonist with an intriguing and traumatic backstory. Her love-interest and main secondary character, Tyler, is charming and witty and they share an interesting relationship dynamic. while cliche, it’s enjoyable. The movie is very intense. but not gory. The action scenes are exciting, then thrilling, and I’m sure it’ll have you on the edge of your seat at least once. The film is very immersive, and fun, and I’d recommend it to the whole family. There is minimal cussing, and no sexual scenes, only one opening scene of playful kissing that ended quickly. The two mains never share a kiss. A few people are sucked up into a tornado. but that’s the worst of it. I’d say this is ok for 6,7 year olds, but I don’t know whether they’d enjoy it. 9 is probably good, depending on your child. it’s a movie worth seeing, and a fun time for everyone.

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3 people found this helpful.
age 13+

This title has:

  • Great messages
  • Great role models
  • Too much violence
  • Too much swearing
  • Too much consumerism
3 people found this helpful.
age 11+

Amazing acting and CGI and pure genius combined to make this masterpiece!!

I mean this was just such an amazing movie!! I've read other people's comments and it seems that many people agree. This movie may not be for everyone as people are different but it's definitely worth the watch! In my opinion, the tornadoes look absolutely realistic and the acting is just top-notch. It is rated PG-13 probably because of the minimal cursing; just sh*t, and a*s. However i feel that, unlike many other movies these days, the cursing may actually add to the plot and how scared these people are. There was only a little bit of kissing in the beginning of the movie but other than that there is no romance. The movie really supports the importance of science and persistence and really pushes the fact that females are necessary in order to make a difference. The movie was incredibly moving and literally made me cry. It may be a little scary for younger watchers, but it's more emotional and moving. I mean, i'm kind of disappointed that common sense media has this rated as 3 stars because it definitely deserves at least 4. Some people have said that there is a lot of advertising, which is true, but in my opinion it adds to the movie by making it more relatable. I don't understand why things like seeing the toyota symbol on a car or whatever else affects people so much. There's no "violence" so to speak; it is just all of the damage that the tornado causes. The main character gets injured in the beginning, people die, there's screaming, but that's okay because after all, it is not a movie for 8 year olds to watch. It is made for older and more mature viewers. Just know that if you are really sensitive that this may not be the movie for you. I literally never write reviews, but this movie was just so amazing that i needed to!! I definitely recommend that you watch this! Great movie!!

This title has:

  • Educational value
  • Great messages
  • Great role models
  • Too much violence
2 people found this helpful.
age 12+

A Classic Adventure Romp- we LOVED it!

A classic “natural disaster” action romp with a great cast, Twisters is a straightforward, action pact adventure with heart that we're looking forward to watching again and again! With a genuinely loveable cast, easy to follow plot with no hidden agendas/messaging, this movie did a great job of being an escape from reality, based (mostly) on possible real world natural disasters. We Appreciated: - No sexual scenes/nudity. - No overly foul language throughout (we did notice at least one "G-d" as well as "sh-t" and "a--hole".) - Strong Role Models, who encourage each other and show it's alright to make mistakes. - Strong message of "don't judge until you know." - No mockery for being intelligent- Having "special interests" is encouraged/celebrated. - Encourages further learning for curious minds (We now check "tornado trackers" regularly.) - A diverse cast of well written characters, each with an individual personality. No stereotypes/"tokens". We Let Others Know: - Loud and sudden noises can be intense, especially for children with Autism/sensitive hearing. - A bloody leg wound is seen in the beginning on a main character, the scar later also seen. - The most frightening scene is within the starting 10 minutes, where 3 characters die in an F5 tornado. - People are "whipped away" by tornadoes at different times, including close calls. No "onscreen" deaths. - Cars are flipped, damaged and destroyed- at times, people are inside. - SKIP THE PREVIEWS. Genuinely scary/highly inappropriate previews left us covering eyes and ears. Overall, we all LOVED this movie, but recognise it may be frightening for younger children.

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  • Educational value
  • Great messages
  • Great role models
1 person found this helpful.
age 9+

So good

I took mine-year-old daughter and my 12-year-old daughter to see it with a few of their friends and they all loved it. There was nothing really bad about it and I totally think you should go take your kids.

This title has:

  • Great role models
age 10+

it’s pretty good

it is good I would rate it a 10 + I am a child ( under ten) and I enjoyed it. very suspenseful.

age 12+

Exciting, wholesome action-adventure movie that anyone will enjoy

Twisters is an exciting and fast-paced disaster movie that is age-appropriate for kids 12 and older, although it does have some intense scenes set in the middle of tornados and other scenes of destruction during and after tornadoes. My child loved it. It contains positive messages about women overcoming their fears and fulfilling their ambitions. It portrays STEM education and scientific research positively. There is evident attraction between the two main characters, and lots of flirting, but no sex or nudity. I found it refreshing that the movie avoids divisive culture war issues. It was expecting ideologically driven messaging about climate change, given that it's a weather-related disaster film, but the filmmakers avoid this. It feels like a wholesome, old-fashioned action movie that everyone can enjoy.
age 12+

Save your $

The original was a MUCH BETTER production. The characters in this never film do NOT measure up to Hunt and Paxton. Although the digital effects were great the emotional build up of the characters was not. Save your $ Wait for it free on Netflix

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