Parents' Guide to


Movie R 1987 107 minutes
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Parents Say

age 13+

Based on 24 parent reviews

Parent Reviews

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age 14+

Your review says Ultra Macho....well yes its a bunch of hard core dudes in the jungle! Plus it says the lone female charactor doest get to do much..WELL she is the one that figures the whole thing out!! So sick of this anti men crap!!
5 people found this helpful.
age 12+

A Classic

Like a lot of 80s movies this isn't nearly as gory or violent as it's rating might suggest. Yes there's a lot of shooting, guns, explosions and death in this, but there are only a couple of genuine "gore" scenes; once when the helicopter crew are skinned and hung in the tree, and the other when Jesse Ventura is exploded by the protagonists death ray. This should be fine for a 12 year-old with a sensible head on their shoulders.
3 people found this helpful.
age 13+

Predator-grewt for everyone

My 13 year old was begging me to watch predator as he is a big Arnold fan and i after watching it i saw that it was appropriate because there is alot of action there is not that much blood, there is also a lot of swearing but they will have heard that in films such as kingsman, because of the films age it has a sort of more modern fakeness to it, a mature 13 year old would love this and any 14 and up will love it
1 person found this helpful.
age 16+

Great, but be aware of violence!

The predator is a violent (sometimes gory) story about an alien killing people. The alien skins people leaving bloody corpse's lying around (mostly hanging from trees) Blasts people in the head, stabbing people, and ripping someones spinal cord and skull out from a distance, the alien also blasts a mans arm off leaving a severed hand on the ground, also a man cuts his chest slightly. But the violence isn't just alien's killing people its humans killing humans, a man get stabbed with a massive knife, many people are shot with machine guns, others are also burned alive from multiple grenades exploding. there are also some jokes involving what one could consider inappropriate dialogue though brief. And finally at lot of cursing! In conclusion Predator is a very violent movie that can be questionable at times but also very good!

This title has:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much swearing
age 12+

Amazing movie

I thought this movie was violent but the special effects were bad but an amazing movie for 10 or 13 year olds here are some famous’s using the trees .Let’s go to the choppah! .Those are some Arnold Schwarzenegger lines .If your kid has seen lots of PG -13 movies that are not Avengers let them watch .In conclusion this was a good classic movie

This title has:

  • Great messages
  • Too much violence
  • Too much swearing
age 14+

This movie was alright. I like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s performance. The language wasn’t too bad. There’s at least three f-words, two motherf***, and a couple of sh**. I think a 14-year old should be able to watch it.
age 15+

Great alien action movie for older kids

You might say that the older the movie, the less violent, that is proved wrong by Predator. While I love this movie, and I think it has a great storyline, it is still very violent. There is a scene where it shows some marines that have been hung from a branch and have had all of their skin cut off. Aside from the skinning scene, there is just gun violence and a couple of gory stabbings. Another issue is the language. There is the constant use of the F word mostly by Blain, but if you don't care about language it's not too bad. All in all a great movie, but don't pull it out until they are at LEAST 14.

This title has:

  • Great role models
  • Too much violence
  • Too much swearing
age 12+


I watched this when i was four and I loved biut I do not Suggest for kids under then 12

This title has:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much swearing
age 15+

A classic 80s action flick

It's rated R, has lots of violence and death. Should be fine for older teens though.

This title has:

  • Too much violence
age 12+


lots of swearing plus violence good story but really a typical Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

This title has:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much swearing

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