Stacy Zeiger's Profile
About Stacy Zeiger
Stacy is a former middle school English teacher with a passion for helping students not only learn to read and write, but also to communicate in an ever-changing, increasingly connected world. Beyond teaching, she's had her hand in many areas of the world of education. She's always on the lookout for new technologies and resources to help improve instruction in all subjects and at all levels. If she can't find it, she creates it. She's designed numerous assessments, developed curriculum units, served as a subject-matter expert for educational websites, and become an expert on the Common Core State Standards. She holds a bachelor's degree in English and a master’s degree in secondary education with a focus on language, literacy, and culture from The Ohio State University. She earned a gifted and talented endorsement from the College of Charleston. Personally, Stacy is a Navy wife who currently lives in the greater Seattle area with her husband, two kids, and three cats. In her spare time, she writes and performs educational raps and continues her never-ending quest to become Mother of the Year.