How to Help Kids Build Character Strengths with Quality Media

Turn screen time into a chance to build your child's character and life skills.

Topics: Life Skills

We all want our kids to grow up with strong values, but let's be real—between work, school, and everything else, it often feels like there's not enough time to teach them all the life lessons we want to. The good news? The movies, shows, games, and apps they love can actually help. With the help of our ratings and reviews, you can easily find media that teaches important lessons like empathy, courage, and perseverance. Research shows that digital media can have a big impact on kids' development, both in their early years and as they get older. By picking the right content and having meaningful conversations, you can use what they're already watching, playing, reading, or listening to as a way to build these essential skills.

What Are Character Strengths and Why Do They Matter?

Character strengths are the qualities that help kids become kind, thoughtful, and resilient people. These strengths shape how they act, make choices, and connect with others. The best part is that you can use the media they're already into—whether it's a favorite TV show, a video game, or a YouTube channel—to help them build these traits.

Using Media to Teach Character Strengths

You're already doing a lot as a parent, so why not make media work for you? Here are some ways you can use different types of media to teach your kids about these important character strengths:


ultraman rising

Teamwork (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

How did the characters work together to get things done?

How did each person contribute, and what are some of the ways they supported one another?

How can you use teamwork in your own life, like in school or with friends?


Self-Control (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

How did the characters keep their cool when things got tough?

When did they have to make choices to stay calm or focused?

How can you practice self-control, especially when you're online or playing games?

made in asian america

Perseverance (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

What obstacles did the characters face, and how did they push through?

What helped them keep going, even when things were hard?

How can you show perseverance when you're working on something challenging?

afternoons with mimi

Integrity (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

What does it mean to do the right thing, even when it's not easy?

How did the characters show honesty and fairness?

How can you be truthful and fair, both online and offline?

perfect days

Humility (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

How did the characters stay grounded, even when they were successful?

Why is it important to be humble, even when you're getting praise?

How can you practice humility in your daily life, whether at home, school, or online?

the yellow bus

Gratitude (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

How did the characters show they were thankful for what they had?

What are some ways you can show appreciation for the people and things in your life?

How can you use social media or digital platforms to spread gratitude and positivity?

princess peach showtime

Empathy (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

How did the characters show they understood and cared about others' feelings?

What can you do to better understand someone else's point of view, even if you don't agree with them?

How can you practice empathy, both online and in person?

time bandits

Curiosity (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

What sparked the characters' curiosity, and how did they explore it?

How can you learn something new every day, just like the characters did?

How can you use digital resources, like YouTube or apps, to dive deeper into your interests?

young woman and the sea

Courage (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

How did the characters show bravery when things got tough?

When have you needed to be brave, either in person or online?

How can you stand up for what's right, even when it's not popular?

paper mario

Compassion (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

How did the characters show kindness and care for others?

What are some ways you can help others, both in your community and online?

How can you support people who are struggling, whether in person or through social media?

rebel girls growing up powerful

Communication (Movies, TV, Books, Podcasts, Games)

Discussion Questions:

Did the characters share their thoughts and feelings in a clear way? If so, how did they do that?

What are some ways you can improve how you communicate, both in conversations and online?

How can you use digital tools to communicate respectfully and effectively?

Laura Ordoñez

As Common Sense's executive editor, and head of digital media and family, Laura spearheads our family advice program, as well as our podcast, games, and YouTube coverage and curation. Before joining Common Sense, Laura spent 10 years as a communications specialist in the health and wellness space and then followed her passion for writing and storytelling into the world of journalism. She fell in love with investigative reporting and sports writing while getting her bachelor's in journalism from San Francisco State University and went on to cover the Golden State Warriors as a reporter and editor, earning several awards for her coverage, including the 2017 Oakland A’s Bill King Scholarship and Associated Press Sports Editors Award. More recently, Laura was a podcast host and producer for a Bay Area startup, working to create a platform to help parents gain knowledge and confidence in raising their children. As a social justice warrior and mental health advocate, she spearheaded DEI efforts to create more diverse content relatable to a broader audience. She's currently working on launching her own podcast focused on helping intersectional feminists support their mental, emotional, and physical health while standing in their power. She also enjoys Muay Thai, cuddling with her dog, trying to get her teenage son to think she's "not a regular mom" but a "cool mom," and meditating over tarot cards while dissecting her horoscope. Follow her on Twitter.